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Corporate Announcements

ZCCM-IH | Renounceable Claw­back Rights Offer


ZCCM­IH shareholders are referred to the Declaration Announcement dated Friday, 11 April 2014, and the Finalisation Announcement dated Wednesday, 16 April 2014, as well as the Circular to Shareholders dated Monday, 12 May 2014, setting out the details of the ZCCM­IH Renounceable Claw­back Rights Offer of 8,920,957 “B” Ordinary Shares subscribed for by the National Pension Scheme Authority (“NAPSA”), on the basis of 4 (four) new Ordinary Shares for every 5 (five) Ordinary Shares already held as at the Record Date, Friday, 09 May 2014, at a subscription price of ZMW 29.23 per new Ordinary Share.
The Claw­back Rights Offer opened on Monday, 12 May 2014 and the closing date was extended from Friday, 13 June 2014 to Friday, 27 June 2014 following delays with the postal delivery of the Claw­back Rights Offer Circular document to shareholders. The extension was, therefore, necessitated by the need to ensure that all shareholders were given sufficient time and opportunity to take any one of the prescribed courses of action set out in the Circular.

The results of the Claw­back Rights Offer are as follows:

SUMMARY RESULTSNumber of Claw‐Back
Rights Offer Shares
Percentage of Claw‐Back
Rights Offer Shares
Claw‐back Rights Offer Shares available for subscription8,920,957100.0%
Total Claw‐back Rights Offer Shares subscribed for by minorities651,5457.3%
Claw‐back Rights Offer Shares allocated to NAPSA8,269,41292.7%

The new Claw­back Rights Offer Shares will be issued on Friday, 25 July 2014 and listed on the Lusaka Stock Exchange (“LuSE”) on Monday, 28 July 2014.

Qualifying Shareholders registered as such on the Record Date (or their renouncees), who validly subscribed for Claw­back Rights Offer Shares, will have their LuSE Central Shares Depository accounts credited with the new Ordinary Shares by Monday, 28 July 2014.

Lusaka, Zambia ­ 24 JULY 2014

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