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Corporate Announcements

ZCCM-IH | Appointment of Chief Executive Officer

The Board of Directors of ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc (ZCCM-IH) is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Pius Chilufya Kasolo as the new Chief Executive Officer of ZCCM­IH with effect from 1 October 2014.

Dr. Kasolo holds a PhD in Economic Geology from the University of Southampton, United Kingdom as well as an MSc in Mineral Evaluation from Nancy Ecole de mine, France. Dr. Kasolo also holds a BSc in Geology from the University of Zambia. He holds various other business and technical qualifications.

Dr. Kasolo has over 20 years experience in the mining sector as a consultant and at senior management level, during which he has worked in, and provided consultancy services to, organisations with major international mining interests. He has undertaken various high level research studies, consultancy assignments and evaluations in the mining industry and other business sectors for the European Union, BHP, the University of Southampton and the Zambia Revenue Authority among others. He has held various senior positions in the mining industry including that of Exploration Manager for JCI Limited of South Africa (then Part of the Anglo American Corporation) covering various countries namely Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Ghana, Mali and Gabon. Dr. Kasolo has served as Director on several companies in Africa including Firestone an Australian Listed company.

Prior to this appointment, Dr. Kasolo was owner and Chairman of Zambezi Holdings, a diversified Investment company and Chief Executive Officer for Zambezi Mining Services (a concrete lining products firm based in South Africa). The Board takes this opportunity to congratulate and welcome Dr. Kasolo and is confident that he will contribute greatly towards the achievement of ZCCM­IH’s vision to become Zambia’s leading investment company.

Dr. Kasolo takes over from Mr Mukela Muyunda who was ZCCM­IH’s CEO until 7 August 2014. The Board would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr Muyunda for his valuable contribution to the Company during his tenure of office and wishes him success in his future endeavours.

Issued on behalf of the Board

Cosmas Mwananshiku
Lusaka, 01 October 2014

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