Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines Investment Holdings, the London, Lusaka and Euronex listed group paid US$40 million in dividends to shareholders as share value rose.
The dividend of K1.56 per share to be paid to its shareholders since the company’s formation in 2002, the forerunner to Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines (ZCCM), entails that the owners or shareholders will pocket a total of K25,000,000 (US$40 million) next month during the share pay out, the company said in its report to shareholders during an Annual General Meeting held in Lusaka, Oct. 7.
The remittance of the dividends will be paid to shareholders on or before 7 September this year was achieved after the shareholders, Zambian Government inclusive made to convert the debt that the company owed into equity through the claw back rights offer process which was completed in March this year.
The claw back further entails that it eliminated the debt of K1.829 billion that made it difficult for the company to remit dividends to shareholders including the Government, which owns about 87 percent in the company. It further raised capital to K257 million and also repositioned the company to exploit investment opportunities to benefit the shareholders and the nation at large, the report stated.
The Capital Market further recognized the Company’s efforts to realign itself into a profit making venture as evidenced by the good performance in the share price, which this year alone, allowed the share price to jump to 134 percent, valuing the company at slightly over US$1 billion, making it one of the strongest companies trading its shares on the Lusaka Stock Exchange (LuSE) in capitalisation.
As at 2011, the share price had more than doubled to 300 percent, a remarkable return for the shareholders and with the dividend declared, the turn of events has been historical for the company that had for long grappled with escalating debts.
Earlier this year, the company considered the views and participation of the minority shareholders and decided to consider their participation in the company affairs and since appointed a non executive director, to serve their interests for the first time ever in the history of the company.
During the year 2014, the company revenue as a group rose 163 percent on the year, rising to K803,013,000 from a paltry K305,481,000 recorded a year earlier with profit after tax rising 57 percent to K892,657,000 from a low K567,925,000 earlier.
Total Assets rose 19 percent to K8752,010,000 from K7,359,067,000 reported last financial year, with the group revenue rising to K1,000,538,000 from K520,104,000 in 2013 with profit after tax recording in excess of K277,186,000 from K762,021,000 a year earlier, the report added.
“ZCCM IH is now well placed and poised for the future. With our mission to maximize shareholder value as our guiding principle, we aim to use our strong financial position to make sustainable investments that will continue to benefit our shareholders now and in future,” the report stated.
ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc (ZCCM-IH) is one of Zambia’s prime investments holdings companies with the majority of its investments in the copper mining sector of Zambia.
It is quoted on the Lusaka, London and Euronext Stock Exchanges. The Company’s shareholders are the Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) with 87.6 percent shareholding and private equity holders with 12.4 percent. Minority shareholders are spread throughout the world in various locations.
ZCCM-IH is a successor company to Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines Limited (ZCCM Ltd).Prior to privatization in 2000, ZCCM Ltd was a consolidated copper mining conglomerate which owned and operated a number of mining divisions which at privatization were sold off as independent mining companies.
ZCCM Ltd was majority owned 60.3 percent by the Government of the Republic of Zambia, 27.3 percent by Zambia Copper Investments Ltd (ZCI), an associate company of Anglo American Plc and 12.4 percent by private investors.
Source: Zambian Informer