Maamba Collieries Limited (MCL) reported total revenue of K121.9 million (US$12.3 million) for the year ended 31st March 2016 (2015: K94.5 million (US$14.6 million) and had profit after tax of K52.9 million (US$5.4 million) (2015: Loss K503 million (US$0.069 million)). The company’s current assets exceeded its liabilities by K1, 180 million (US$105.6 million) as at 31st March 2016 (2015: US$103.7 million). Additionally, the company has accumulated losses amounting to K999.5 million (US$89.4 million) (2015: K1, 136.4 million (US$95.2 million).
MCL’s 300-megawatt fully integrated coal-fired power plant reached Financial Closure on 28th July 2015. The peak funding of the project was capped at US$843 million and funded on a debt/equity ratio of 70:30. ZCCM-IH and Nava Bharat (Singapore) Pte Limited (Nava Bharat) have contributed US$253 million toward the project, and US$590 million is debt in form of long term loans from Development Financial Institutions and Commercial Banks.
The power plant is the first private power project in the Sub-Saharan region to receive Export Credit Agency insurance cover from China Export and Credit Insurance Corporation (Sinosure).
MCL signed a 20-year power purchase agreement to supply 100% of the power plant’s output to ZESCO.
In May 2015, ZCCM-IH issued a letter of credit (LC) of US$8.75 million, through Standard Chartered Bank Zambia as a contingent equity support for the thermal power plant at Maamba. In support of the LC, the funds were placed as a fixed term deposit at a Kwacha interest rate of 14% and fixed exchange rate of K7.385/US$.
Subsequent to year-end, the first 150 MW was commissioned on 7th August 2016 and the next 150 MW was commissioned in November 2016 where after Nava Bharat will be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the power plant.
There were no dividends declared during the year under review (2015: nil).