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Investee Company News

Utilise underground water for power generation, UN Coordination urges mines

Mining companies should make use of underground water to generate electricity for their own operations, United Nations (UN) country coordinator Janet Rogan has said.

Most of the water the mines pump out of underground is usually channelled to main water bodies like rivers and streams un utilised.

But Ms Rogan said with the low power production, investment in power generation would help them overcome electricity challenges.

“There is a lot of water that is channelled to the natural water bodies and I think mining companies should think of using the water for power generation looking at the power shortages facing the country,” she said.

Ms Rogan was speaking in an interview in Chililabombwe after touring Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) facilities.

She was impressed after touring the water pumping facility and the latest mining equipment the mining company is employing.

“I am impressed by the level of technology KCM is using; this means that Zambia’s mining sector has a bright future,” Ms Rogan said.

She said with copper prices fetching lowly on the international market, it was imperative for mining companies to work on reducing the cost of production.

Ms Rogan, who also toured Lufwanyama emerald area, said Zambia had massive potential for emerald production which she said had remained untapped.

“I did not know that Copperbelt had a lot of potential for gemstones. There is need for investment in the sub sector, probably the gemstone belt could be developed looking at the massive potential Lufwanyama area has,” she said.

Source: Times of Zambia

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