ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc. (ZCCM-IH) is an investments holding company with significant investments in Zambia’s mining industry. The Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) holds 87.53% of the shares in ZCCM-IH (the Company), with the remaining 12.47% being held by private investors. The geographical spread of the minority shareholders covers 29 countries in Europe, Africa, the Caribbean, Australia, Asia and the USA.
The company has a primary listing on the Lusaka Stock Exchange, and secondary listings on the New York Stock Exchange, Paris Euronext (Euronext) and London Stock Exchanges under ISIN number ZM0000000037.
ZCCM-IH owns property in Ndola (Mining Industry Archives), Kitwe (Investments House), Kalulushi (Technical Directorate and Technical Library), Trinity Park (Lusaka), 30B Kudu Road, Kabulonga (Lusaka) and Kabwe (Office block and 2 laboratories). These properties are occupied by both ZCCM-IH and commercial clients under lease arrangements.
Given the increase in volume and scope in ensuring efficient service delivery and maintenance of the said properties, ZCCM-IH requires the services of a property manager on a full time basis. The properties will need structural maintenance in order to keep them in good working order. To achieve this, identifying and resolving of minor repair works that may disturb the work environment will help in prevention of major disasters and may reduce maintenance costs by 30% or more.
The Company therefore intends to engage a Property Maintenance Services Firm to provide a one stop shop for the Client’s maintenance needs.
The Property Maintenance Services Firm’s scope of works shall include:
- Scheduling quarterly inspection of the various ZCCM-IH properties;
- Perform inspection and provide a written Inspection Report with recommendations;
- Provide quotes for necessary work to be carried out;
- Perform requested maintenance/repairs in liaison with the Property Manager as and when necessary.
The inspections shall include:
5.1 Building Interior
- Floors, walls and ceilings;
- Windows and doors.
5.2 Electrical – Mechanical – Plumbing
- Electrical, mechanical and plumbing.
5.3 Building Exterior
- Foundation
- Walk ways and paved yard
- Exterior Walls and Doors
- Porch and Decks
- Stairs and Steps
- Gutters and Downspouts
- Roofing services and repairing chimneys.
The contract is expected to initially be for a period of 12 months with a possibility for renewal.
ZCCM-IH now invites Eligible Property Maintenance Services Firms to indicate their interest in providing the above services. Interested firms must provide information to demonstrate that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions etc.).
A firm will be pre-qualified if they meet the following criteria:
- Demonstrated experience in maintaining and managing properties of a high standard and for renowned institutions for at least not less than five years consecutively;
- Demonstrated understanding of property Maintenance Services;
- Possesses valid NAPSA Compliance Certificate;
- Possesses valid Workers’ Compensation Fund Control Board Compliance Certificate;
- Possesses Company Certificate of Incorporation;
- Possesses valid Tax Clearance Certificate; and
- Possesses a valid Practising Licence from the relevant Regulatory Authority.
Interested Property Maintenance Services Firms must submit one (01) original and four (04) hard copies of their Pre-qualification documents to the address below not later than 10:00 hours on Wednesday, 4th January 2017.
Procurement Officer
ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc
Mukuba Pension House
5309 Dedan Kimathi Road
P.O. Box 30048
Email: temboc@zccmnew.wpenginepowered.com
Those bidders who have already submitted an Expression of Interest in response to the earlier advertisement need not resubmit.