ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc is an investments holding company which has a majority of its investments held in the copper mining sector of Zambia. ZCCM-IH’s majority shareholders are the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) with 60.3%, Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) with 17.3% shareholding, National Pensions Scheme Authority (NAPSA) with 15% and other shareholders with 7.4%.
The company has a primary listing on the Lusaka Stock Exchange and secondary listings on the New York Stock Exchange, Paris Euronext (Euronext) and London Stock Exchanges under ISIN number ZM0000000037.
The Company intends to diversify into the agriculture and other sectors, the company in 2010 acquired 2000 Ha of virgin land in Lufwanyama District which it intends to develop into an economically viable integrated crop and livestock farming operation. However, in order to proceed with this development, it is law that an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (EIA) be undertaken in accordance with the Zambia Environmental Protection Act.
In this regard, need has arisen to engage a Consulting Firm to conduct an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (EIA) for its integrated farming project in Lufwanyama, in accordance with the Zambia Environmental Protection Act.
In view of the proposed project the consultant will be required to consider the following as the scope of environmental assessment.
- Assessment of project and identify cumulative environmental effects
- Consideration of cumulative environmental effects resulting from the project development and long term operation
- Alternative methods of carrying out activities considered risky to the environmental
- Develop and Environmental Management Plan (EMP) of how to deal with identified risks
- Recommendation of monitoring programs to ensure social and environmental sustainability
- In view of the above, the EIA should consider the impact of the project on the following environmental and social factors;
- Review of the atmospheric environment including characterization of the existing air quality as well as climate of the area
- Review of the existing water and wetland resources, its quality and potential pollution risks due to the project
- Review of existing and anticipated land resource utilization in the area
- Review of the aquatic environment including characterization of the fish and fish habitat as well as environmental effects of the project
- Review of the vegetative environment including characterization of existing conditions and possible environmental effects analyses
- Review of public health and safety issues related to the project
- Review of labour and economic effects of the project in the area including characterization of existing labour situation
- Review of existing community services and infrastructure as well as effects of the project
- Review of existing transport and communication infrastructure and possible effect of the project
- Identify assets of archaeological/historical interest
The project is expected to take 8 weeks to complete. The expected milestones are as indicated below:
S/N | Milestone | Deliverable | Timeline |
1 | Inception | Inception Report | 2 weeks |
2 | Stakeholder Consultation | Stakeholder Consultative Meeting Report | 1 week |
3 | Environmental Impact Assessment | Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report | 3 weeks |
4 | Environmental Impact Assessment | Final Environmental and Social Impact Statement | 2 weeks |
ZCCM-IH now invites Eligible Consulting Firms to indicate their interest in providing the above services. Interested consulting firms must provide information to demonstrate that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions .etc. Consulting firms may associate to enhance their qualifications.
A consultant will be selected using Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method in accordance with the Zambia Public Procurement Regulations, 2011 (Statutory Instrument No. 63 of 2011).
Interested consulting firms must submit five (05) hard copies of their Expressions of Interest to the address below not later than 16:30 hours on Tuesday, 4th July 2017.
The Procurement Manager
ZCCM-IH Office Park
Stand No.16806
Alick Nkhata Road
Mass Media Complex
P.O. Box 30048