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Corporate Announcements

Statement to the public on the Company financial performance for 2015/16


ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc (ZCCM-IH) is listed on three stock Exchanges: the Lusaka Stock Exchange (Primary listing) where it is the largest company by market capitalization and on the London Stock Exchange (Secondary Listing) and the Euronext Access in Paris, France…


ZCCM-IH financials are audited by competent, reputable and internationally recognised Auditors and are annually and publicly made available through print media and ZCCM-IH website. The said financials and the Reports in which they are published show no deficit. Further, all Company funds have been properly disclosed and accounted for in the said financials and its Report…


In November 2014, ZCCM-IH declared a dividend of USD $40 million. This was the first dividend declared in the history of the Company, and the largest dividend ever declared on the Lusaka Stock Exchange…

Press Release – Results ending 31 March 2016 Detailed Release

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