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Annual Report Summaries

Chambishi Metals Extract from 2018 Annual Report

The Company had revenues of K3,470.79 million (US$363.5 million) for the year ended 31st December 2017 ahead of budgeted K2,472.04 million (US$258.9 million). EBITDA was K207.94 million (US$21.7 million) compared to budgeted K276,900 (US$29,000). Copper produced for the 12 months to 31st December 2017 was 36,153 tonnes and 2,520 tonnes of Cobalt was produced.

Chambishi Metals Plc has budgeted US$9 million for capital expenditure for 2018 which has been earmarked for the Acid Plant, Copper and Cobalt Processing and some analytical services.

The Eurasian Resources Group has confirmed its intention to continue to provide financial support to the Company to enable it to continue its operations and meet its obligations.

There were no dividends paid during the year under review (2016: Nil).

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