Revenue for the financial year ended 31st December 2017 was K671.24 million (US$70.3 million) [(2016: K541.81 million (US$52.8 million)]. Net profit over the same period was K67.12 million (US$7.03 million) [(2016: Loss of K31.09 million (US$3.03 million)]. Chibuluma Mines Plc’s (CMP) cash position reduced to K7.56 million (US$0.76 million) as at 31st December 2017 [(2016: K16.18 million (US$1.64 million)].
The Chibuluma South ore reserve continued to be depleted during the year, life of mine is now only 2 years. The development of the Chifupu ore body progressed well with Capital developments now upto 418 metre level.
On 27 June 2017, the Company incorporated a wholly owned Subsidiary company, Lufwanyama Mining Manufacturing and Trading Services Limited (LMMTS). This initiative is in response to the remaining short Life of Mine of the Company which is expected to cease operations in 2022. LMMTS commenced operations in August 2017 and during the year it did not trade with any external third parties. As part of the capacity building LMMTS were awarded mine development and support contracts at the Chifupu Mine on a competitive basis.
The company continued implementation of various cost saving and cost containment initiatives to ensure it achieved its set KPI’s and advance from a loss to a profitable position. Management continued focusing on identifying and progressing viable initiatives which would assist in extending the footprint of the Jinchuan/Metorex Group in Zambia beyond the current Life of Mine.
There were no dividends declared during the year under review (2016: Nil).