Kariba Minerals Limited (KML) reported total revenue of K17.18 million for the year ended 31 March 2018 (2017: K20.64 million). KML reported a net loss of K10.22 million during the financial period under review (2017: K3.45 million loss).
For the year ended 31st March 2018, KML produced a total of 627.52 tonnes of commercial grade amethyst (2017: 712.18 tonnes) and produced 3.54 tonnes of high grade amethyst (2017: 1.86 tonnes). KML ore production was at 11,273 tonnes (2017: 10,517 tonnes). KML held an auction in February 2018 in Jaipur, India during the period under review. A total of 3.35 tonnes of high grade amethyst valued at US$270,000 was sold at the auction. Additionally, KML introduced 1.50 tonnes of a new medium grade amethyst at the auction for the first time and it sold above its reserve price. KML going forward plans to have a schedule of the new medium grade amethyst at the auction.
There were no dividends declared during the financial year under review (2017: Nil).