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Investee Company News

Lubambe Mine donates food items to children’s homes

Lubambe Copper Mines has donated assorted food items to One Way Mission Children Home and Lusungu Children home as part of celebrating the New Year.

The donation worth K15,000 is part of the mines corporate social responsibility in Chililabombwe and Chingola respectively.

Lubambe Copper Mines acting General Manager Operations Venus Kasito said the policy is to plough back into the community.

Mr Kasitu said the mine has donated to the needy as a way of enhancing their lives and a way of supporting the children.

He said the lives of the children are important hence the need to help them in any way possible.

“The company wants to reach a production capacity of 220 tones by the 4th quarter of 2019 then the company will be able to boost up its corporate social responsibility,” he said.

Loveness Sakala Director at One Way Mission was grateful for this gesture in supporting the vulnerable children.

Ms Sakala said other stakeholders should emulate and do the same to give support and enhance the children’s lives and future.

Lusungu orphanage Director Caddie Ng’ambi said the act of love by the mining firm would go a long way.

Bishop Ng’ambi said the orphanage accommodates a number of children whose educational needs are taken care of by the orphanage

He expressed gratitude towards the gesture of an act of love by Lubambe mine to the children.

Source: The Independent Observer

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