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ZCCM-IH 2018 Annual Financial Report released

Below are some extracts from the Chairman’s Statement:

I am delighted to have been appointed Chairman of the ZCCM-IH Board from 6 March 2018. I am particularly happy to serve on the ZCCM-IH Board which comprises very qualified and dedicated professionals whose contribution to the Company is highly valued.

I am delighted to be of service to ZCCM-IH in my capacity as Chairman. ZCCM-IH has a rich history particularly in the development of the mining sector in Zambia and I am glad to be part of those who will contribute to the transformation of the Company for the benefit of our Shareholders and all key stakeholders.

On behalf of the Board of Directors of ZCCM-IH, I am pleased to share with you the performance of ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc (ZCCM-IH) as a Company and that of its investee companies during the financial year ended 31 March 2018.

The year saw an improvement and stability in copper prices which in turn resulted in improved performance in some
of our mining investee companies. The increase in demand for copper on the global market has resulted in positive
developments in the mining sector in general. The sustained growth in copper demand is expected to continue as
copper remains essential in many economic activities more so in the wake of modern technology which requires
increased usage of copper. Zambia is poised to benefit from the global upswing in demand for copper and other minerals. ZCCM-IH is now more than ever before strategically positioned to extract maximum value from its investments in mining for the benefit of its shareholders and all stakeholders. While profitability for the Company has dropped due to low turnover from the Ndola Lime Company Limited’s (Ndola Lime) operation, the Group’s share of profit of equity accounted investees has increased to 465% from a loss of K 189 million in 2017 to a profit of K 689 million in 2018. This movement signifies improvements in the mining operations following increases in copper prices and production.

Global economy

According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Report for 2018, global economic activity continued to firm up as was predicted. Global output is estimated to have grown by 3.7 percent in 2017, which is 0.1 percentage point faster than projected in the fall and 1⁄2 percentage point higher than in 2016. Global growth forecasts for 2018 and 2019 have been revised upward by 0.2 percentage point to 3.9 percent. The key factors contributing to the growth include increased economic activity in most industrialised countries and stabilisation of oil prices resulting in predictability in production costs…

Zambian economy

The Zambian economy continued on a recovery path following improvements in the energy supply to key sectors of the economy as well as copper prices. The improvements in copper prices resulted in positive growth in the mining sector with the GDP expected to rise to 5% at the end of 2018 from 3.4% recorded in 2017.


The Group recorded turnover of K61 million (2017: K95 million) and operating profit of K47 million (2017: profit: K848 million). The low turnover is attributed to low sales at Ndola Lime Company Limited due to increased competition in the lime market as well as technical challenges which negatively affected the production and sale of lime and related products. A 95 percent decline in operating profit is owing to decrease in copper price participation income from K719 million in the preceding year to K360 million for the year. Further, the continuous loss making position of Ndola Lime Company Limited and the impairment of investment in Konkola Copper Mines Plc amounting to K167 million and K42 million respectively contributed to the decrease in operating profit.

Subsequent to the year end, two (2) former employees of Ndola Lime Company Limited (NLC) instituted proceedings
to the High Court of Zambia to place NLC under supervision pursuant to the Corporate Insolvency Act No. 9 of 2017.
By order of the Court dated 5th October 2018, the Official Receiver was appointed as Interim Business Administrator of NLC. The application for the Business Rescue Proceedings will be heard in January 2019 at which all affected persons (including ZCCM-IH) will be heard. However, ZCCM-IH remains committed to the affairs of NLC and will continue to pursue all activities that better the Company and ZCCM-IH’s investments…

Fundamental Strategic Change

ZCCM-IH has undertaken a strategic evolution as a response to the ever changing and competitive operating environment, and has developed a new Strategic Plan (SP) for the period 2018-2023 themed ‘Taking Giant Steps’. In it is a transformational agenda which permeates through all operational landmarks with a view to sustain growth and
value extraction for the benefit of its shareholders.

We have chosen to transition the Company away from the traditional dependence on dividend income and have identified more forward-looking strategies which will improve revenue generation with predictability. These strategies will not only improve the Company’s cash position but will also facilitate organic growth as the Company will be better able to finance its investment projects.

Energy Sector

Following the achievement of the commercial operating date in August 2017 of the first phase of the Maamba Collieries Limited (MCL) Thermal Power Plant (TPP), MCL has recorded positive growth with an impressive performance resulting in increased revenue and a profit after tax of K148.87 million following its ability to achieve a commercial operating date within a year of commissioning.

Manufacturing Sector

As part of ZCCM-IH’s strategy to diversify its portfolio, the Company entered into a Joint Venture partnership with
Sinoconst for purposes of setting up a cement manufacturing company. Subsequently, Central African Cement Company Limited (CAC) was incorporated. ZCCM-IH owns 49% of CAC while Sinoconst owns the remaining 51%. CACs operations will be located in Masaiti district in the Copperbelt Province of Zambia.

The planned production capacity of the Plant will be 5000 tonnes per day of Clinker with a two (2) by twenty five (25) MW Thermal Power Plant. It is expected that the Plant will take 3 years to construct and employ over 1000 people during construction. Once completed, the plant is expected to employ about 400 people.

Investment in the Financial Services Sector

Subsquent to the financial year end and following closure of the mandatory offer on 30 April 2018, ZCCM-IH now holds 71.4 % shares in Investrust Bank Plc from 45.4%. ZCCM-IH will implement a robust recapitalisation plan and
identify equity partners to make the bank more competitive.

Capital market

The ZCCM-IH share price on the Lusaka Securities Exchange closed the year at K38 (2017: K38). The market capitalisation as at 31 March 2018 remained unchanged at K6, 110 million (2017: K6, 110 million). The stagnation of the share price is indicative of low liquidity of the shares.


Copper prices have moved to attractive levels which in turn will improve investment in the mining sector. With improvements in the supply of power to mining companies, there has been stability in the production. As a result of these factors, it is estimated that production will increase hitting an all-time high of 1 million tonnes from around 755,000 metric tonnes recorded in 2017.

ZCCM-IH will take advantage of these favourable performance indicators of the mining sector and strive to achieve its objectives by realigning its operations and improve its income streams through an equitable participation in top-line revenues.


I express sincere gratitude to my fellow Board members, Management and Staff of ZCCM-IH for their dedication and commitment during the past year. I further extend my gratitude to the shareholders and investee companies for their efforts, cooperation and contributions during the year.

Mr Eric S Silwamba, SC
Board Chairperson


ZCCM-IH | 2018 Annual Financial Report

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