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Archived Tenders

ZCCM-IH | Revised Notice of best evaluated bidder: Tender for the supply and delivery of various ICT requirements

ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc.,
Incorporated in the Republic of Zambia


The Bidders named below have been evaluated as the best bidders for the procurement requirements detailed below. In accordance with the requirement of clause 121 of the Public Procurement Regulations, 2011, it is the intention of ZCCM-IH, the procuring entity, to award contracts to the bidders named after ten (10) working days from the display given below.

Procurement Reference NumberZCCM-IH/043/2018
Procurement DescriptionSupply and Delivery of Various ICT Requirements to ZCCM-IH
Method of ProcurementOpen National Bidding
Names and Addresses of Best Evaluated Bidders

Lot 1,4,6,9,10 & 12 (Supply and Delivery of High Specification Laptop, Digital Video Camera, 24 Ethernet Switches, Microsoft Visio Pro Software 2016 Licenses, Micro Project Pro Software 2016 Licenses and Blade Servers to ZCCM-IH Office Park, Stand No. 16806, Alick Nkhata Road, Mass Media Complex Area, Lusaka) – Cloudtech Zambia, Plot No. 13, Chaholi Road. Rhodespark, P.O. Box 36611 Lusaka, Zambia.

Lot 2,3,5 & 8 (Supply and Delivery of All in One Desktop Computers, Laptops, High Specification Digital Camera and Supply and Supply and Delivery of LED Monitors to ZCCM-IH Office Park, Stand No. 16806, Alick Nkhata Road, Mass Media Complex Area, Lusaka – Spares Kings Africa Limited, 4769 Lubwa Road, Roads Park, Lusaka, Zambia.

Lot 7 and 11 (Supply and Delivery Integrated Service Routers (ISR) Routers and 22U Floor Standing Cabinets – Netsys Consultants Limited, 6th Floor, Anchor House, Sapele Road, P.O. Box 33485 Lusaka

Proposed Contract Prices1. Cloudtech

Lot No.Amount (ZMW)
Lot 141,947.92
Lot 434,729.19
Lot 696,296.33
Lot 923,897.16
Lot 1046,113.48
Lot 12168,840.44

2. Spares Kings Africa

Lot No.Amount (ZMW)
Lot 235,308.08
Lot 3227,558.59
Lot 559,389.68
Lot 812,139.63

3. Netsys Consultants Ltd

Lot No.Amount (ZMW)
Lot 7102,581.60
Lot 1128,652.00
Date of Display28th January 2019
Date of Removal8th February 2019

The display of this notice does not constitute an award of contract to the selected Bidders.

Bid acceptance and contract placement shall be in accordance with the Public Procurement Regulations. Bidders have the right to appeal in accordance with the Public Procurement Regulations, 2011 within ten (10) working days from the date of publication of this notice.

Please note this notice supersedes the earlier one.

Authorised for display and publication by:

Signature: ______________________Name: K D Kabwe (Mrs.)
Position: Procurement ManagerDate: 24th January 2019


Address of Procuring Entity

ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc
ZCCM-IH Office Park
Stand No. 16806, Alick Nkhata Road
Mass Media Complex Area
Lusaka, Zambia

Copy sent to all bidders who submitted bids, including the best evaluated bidders.

ZCCM-IH Revised – Notice of Best Evaluated Bidder for the Supply and Delivery of Various ICT Requirements
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