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Corporate Announcements

ZCCM-IH | Notice of change in directorate

ZCCM Investments Holding Plc (ZCCM-IH) is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Mabvuto T Chipata, Acting Chief Executive Officer, as Executive Director on the ZCCM-IH Board effective 21 March 2019.

The Board wishes to congratulate Mr M Chipata on his appointment and is confident that he will add value in fulfilling the strategic objectives of the Company.

By Order of the Board

C Chabala
Company Secretary

Issued in Lusaka, Zambia on Friday 29th March 2019

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Stockbrokers Zambia Limited (SBZ) is a member of the Lusaka Securities Exchange and is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Zambia

First Issued on 29 March 2019

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