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Corporate Social Investment, ZCCM-IH News

Chitulungu Basic School in Mungwi District of Northern Province Receives a Water Borehole Sunk by ZCCM-IH.

Drilled at a cost of K80,000, the water borehole sunk at Chitulungu Basic School in Mungwi District of Northern Province is one of the many ZCCM-IH has handed over to Zambian residents in remote areas with little or no access to clean drinking water. This water borehole, expected to provide clean drinking water to over 2,000 residents, is part of the ZCCM-IH ‘Clean Water for Zambia’ Corporate Social Investment (CSI) campaign. The event was graced by His Royal Highness, Paramount Chief Chitimukulu of the Bemba people.

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