Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) reported total revenue of ZMW12.25 billion (US$1,084.80 million) for the financial year ended 31 March 2019 [2018: ZMW12.2 billion (US$1,283.0 million)]. The reduction in revenue was as a result of below budget custom production as well as below budget combined concentrate tonnage available for treatment in the smelter. This had an adverse impact on sulphuric acid production which in turn impacted on copper production at the Tailings Leach Plant. KCM’s total mine production for the year was recorded at 177,035 tonnes (2018:144,664 tonnes). Loss after tax was ZMW3.72 billion (US$ 332.2 million) [(2018: ZMW1.102 billion loss (US$131.6 million)].