ZCCM IH has announced that it will be working with registered gold mining cooperatives in Rufunsa, Vubwi, and Lundazi in gold recovery and exploration activities according to CEO Mabvuto Chipata.
ZCCM-IH has been mandated by the Government to drive the national gold agenda. The key to this mandate is to help formalize the activities of the artisanal gold miners doted in about 21 districts. This is why the Ministries of Mines and Minerals Development, and Commerce and Trade Industries handed over some gold equipment to ZCCM-IH for this purpose.
“We believe that formalizing Zambia’s artisanal and small-scale gold sector is a significant, timely, and pressing developmental opportunity that must now be realized”, said Mabvuto Chipata at the handover ceremony held in Lusaka on 7 May 2020 at Government Complex.
“This is aligned with the aspirations of the Seventh National Development Plan specifically regarding employment creation, revenue generation, supporting intra-sector diversification to other minerals such as gold and other precious minerals”.
The Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry secured the 140,000 euros from the SADC Trade Related Facility Project to procure the equipment that was handed over to the cooperatives. “I wish to inform you that our two Ministries, with the support from the European Union under the SADC Trade-related Facility (TRF) Project, purchased gold mining equipment to further support the formalization of the gold mining sector”, said Barneby Mulenga.
With the security of Gold mining a huge concern for Government, the Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development, Barneby Mulenga gave some background to have Government, through a multi-stakeholder committee were able to carve out the guidelines for Gold mining that would enable the security of the products whilst preventing illicit trade. “It is gratifying to note that since the approval of recommendations of the inter-ministerial committee, the ministries of mines and minerals development and commerce, trade and industry have made strides in bringing into fruition, some of the recommendations that were made by the committee in an effort to formalize illegal gold mining and trading”, disclosed Barneby Mulenga.
The Ministry of Commerce who also collaborating in the formation of the 13 cooperatives, disclosed that they also provided skills development. “Ministries of Commerce, Trade and Industry and Mines and Minerals Development have collaborated in facilitating the formation of more than thirteen (13) gold mining cooperatives in Rufunsa and Petauke Districts and have trained them on both the production and business sides”.
With capacity building and equipment in place, all is for a new era of mining that begins with the grassroots. However, even the Government is aware that this journey must be steered by capable hands. “Recognizing similar efforts that the Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines – Investments Holdings (ZCCM – IH) is making in the gold mining sector and in view of the need for sustainability of the equipment that the Project purchased, the two Ministries have opted to assign ZCCM – IH to administer the equipment, on behalf of the cooperatives. In administering this equipment, ZCCM – IH is expected to collaborate with local authorities and the office of the District Commissioner in the respective Districts”.
Source: https://fizambia.com/?p=6802