By Paul Shalala- ZCCM Investment Holdings has expressed interest in acquiring more shares in Mopani Copper Mines.
Mines Minister Richard Musukwa says ZCCM-IH, which holds minority shares at 10 percent, seeks to buy shares from Glencore with a view to holding a controlling stake in Mopani.
Speaking during a media briefing in Kitwe today, Mr. Musukwa said government has constituted a team to liaise with ZCCM-IH to negotiate with Glencore.
The Mines Minister said a controlling stake in Mopani will allow a new approach to mining and guarantee the welfare of many Zambians employed by the mining firm.
He has disclosed that government is working with the mine unions to ensure the welfare of the employees is safeguarded.
Mr. Musukwa also assured all stakeholders that during the negotiations, operations at Mopani will not be disturbed.
In May this year, Mopani Copper Mines notified government that it wanted to place its mines in Kitwe and Mufulira on care and maintenance.
Source: https://www.znbc.co.zm/news/zccm-ih-keen-to-buy-more-shares-in-mopani-copper-mines/