Minister of Mines and Minerals Development Mr Richard Musukwa has expressed happiness with the progress made at Kasenseli Gold Mine project in Mwinilunga District.
The project being developed by Zambia Gold Company Ltd (ZGC) owned by ZCCM-IH (51%) and Ministry of Finance (49%) has so far produced 50 kilograms of gold worth USD $3 million.
The mining and processing of near surface gold ore material commenced end of June 2020 following the granting of a mining licence to ZGC by the Ministry of Mines.
During the tour and site visit of the gold project, Mr Musukwa said he was elated with the progress, and that Zambian mining professionals were at the forefront of developing the project.
The first phase of diamond drilling for primary gold that commenced in April 2020 has been finalised and samples currently being prepared for lab analysis.
Production and processing capacity will be increased in the coming months once the laboratory results are received and analysed.
The Covid-19 pandemic has affected the importation of the processing equipment and other machinery required to increase capacity.
Over 200 locals have been employed during the development of the project in exploration, fencing, mining and processing.
59% of fencing 50 hectares of the active licence area, covering 3km has been done so far and scheduled to be completed by end of October 2020.
In addition, 13 cassava fields belonging to 9 households covering approximately 5 hectares of land in total, and located in the licence area have been valued by the Ministry of Agriculture, and compensation is currently in progress.
ZGC has also undertaken corporate social responsibility initiatives such as sinking of a water borehole, solar powered with 10, 000 litres tank capacity and 3 water collection points in Kasenseli.
Further, corporate social investment initiatives such as working on the main roads and building a health post are currently underway.
The Minister’s entourage during the mine visit included Ministry of Mines Permanent Secretary Mr. Barnaby Mulenga, Northwestern Province Permanent Secretary Mr Willie Manjimela, ZCCM-IH CEO Mr. Mabvuto Chipata, and ZCCM-IH Board Directors.