In compliance with the requirements of the Securities Act No 41 of 2016 and the Lusaka Securities Exchange (“LuSE”) Listings Requirements (the “Rules”), shareholders are informed that on 11 November 2019, KHL filed a Request for Arbitration in London against ZCCM-IH (as Respondent) and KMP (as Nominal Respondent). These Arbitration proceedings are strictly confidential as between the parties. The Arbitration proceedings follow a criminal complaint made by ZCCM-IH against the allegedly unauthorised transfer by KMP of KMP monies to a KHL related party/affiliate.
The matter is yet to be determined and may have a material effect on the price of the Company’s securities.
Shareholders will be updated as the case progresses.
Accordingly, shareholders of ZCCM-IH are accordingly advised to exercise caution when dealing in securities of the Company until further information is published.
By Order of the Board
Chabby Chabala
Company Secretary
Issued in Lusaka, Zambia on Wednesday, 25 November 2020
Source: Financial Insights