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Investee Companies, Investee Company News

Mopani to make $60m profit for first time in 20 years

WHILE the situation at Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) looks depressing with the company needing a short-term capital injection of US$88 million, the outlook at Mopani Copper Mines (MCM) is more encouraging with the firm projecting to make US$57 million profit, the first-ever in 21 years.
The revelation is significant. State mining investment company ZCCM-IH took on US$1.5 billion in debt in January to take over Swiss metal trading company Glencore International AG’s majority stake in Mopani.
In April 2000, Mopani purchased assets of the Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines (ZCCM) comprising underground mines, concentrator, smelter, and refinery at Mufulira mine site. It did the same with those at the Nkana mine site in Kitwe.
The price was US$20 million cash and US$23 million in deferred payments, US$159 million new investment commitment, and an additional “conditional investment” commitment of some US$200 million.
But this came with many privileges and tax advantages.
In 2009, Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) commissioned Grant Thornton, Norwegian consulting and engineering group ECON Poyry to do a pilot audit of the operational costs, revenues, transfer pricing, employee expenses, and CLICK TO READ MORE 


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