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Archived Tenders, ZCCM-IH


The Bidder named below has been evaluated as the best evaluated bidder for the procurement requirements detailed below. In accordance with the requirement of clause 121 of the Public Procurement Regulations, 2011, it is the intention of ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc (ZCCM-IH), the procuring entity, to award the contracts to the bidder named after ten (10) working days from the display given below.


Table 1.

Procurement Reference     NumberZCCM-IH/016/2021
Procurement DescriptionDesign, Print, Supply and Delivery of Various ZCCM-IH Branded Collaterals
Method of ProcurementOpen National Bidding
Names and Addresses of Best Evaluated BiddersLot 1& 2. Retro International Zambia Limited, Plot No. 6282 Mapepe Road, Lusaka, Zambia.

Lot 2. Central Clothing Factory Limited, Plot No. 12627, Chinika Industrial Area, P.O. Box 30522, Lusaka Zambia.

Proposed Contract PricesLot 1- ZMW360,760.00 VAT Inclusive, with a Delivery Period of; Three (03) weeks from Contract Date

Lot 2- ZMW251,975.00 VAT Inclusive, with a Delivery Period of; Three (03) weeks from Contract Date 

Date of Display20th January 2022
Date of Removal3rd February 2022

The display of this notice does not constitute an award of contract to the Bidders mentioned above.

Bid acceptance and contract placement shall be in accordance with the Public Procurement Regulations. Bidders have the right to appeal, in accordance with the Public Procurement Regulations, 2011, within ten (10) working days from the date of publication of this notice.


Read the full document here: Notice of Best Evaluated Bidder for Design Print Supply and Delivery of Various ZCCM-IH Branded Collaterals (1)

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