Rembrandt Properties Limited (Rembrandt) is a Special Purpose Vehicle between ZCCM-IH (49%), Urban Brands Asset Management (25.5%) and Sims Capital Ltd (25.5%). Rembrandt was specifically formed to develop the Leopards Square Hotel, a 74-key (room) hotel. In addition to ZCCM-IH equity contribution, the Company raised about US$2.2million in equity contribution from the other Shareholders and debt finance from ZANACO.
The project faced several setbacks to completion among them, Covid-19 pandemic, delayed disbursement of loan proceeds and property redesign after the initial anchor tenant Food Lovers left the building. The building is about 95% complete; awaiting completion of the four (4) ground floor rooms, nine (9) upper deck rooms and a sky bar and circa US$200k to take the building to 100% completion. The project, nevertheless, went on soft opening to the general public on 1 June 2022 with conferences and the restaurant all kicking off at the same time as the hotel commenced operations. Since September 2022, the Tenant (Urban Hotel Lusaka) has been grossing an average of ZMW2.5 million per month from operating the property.
There were no dividends paid during the year under review (2021: Nil).