The annual report is the principal official communication in the relevant period to our stakeholder groups who include our shareholders, customers, communities and business partners. It concisely and adequately summarises key outcomes covering our people, stakeholders, governance, operations and financial performance.
This report, for the period 1st January to 31st December 2020, reviews the many different aspects of our business from both a strategic and operational perspective; integrating all material aspects of the business and demonstrating sustainable value creation.
The report provides an interconnected performance review of the business, enabling an appreciation of the underpinning strategy, the reasons and the actions driving that strategy. The business model of CEC is explained to show how revenue is created as are the operations forming the heart of the business for an appreciation of the Company’s value proposition and longevity. CEC’s governance structures support the delivery of its strategic objectives, and implementation of its vision and mission. Hence, a substantial portion of the report is given to matters of governance and leadership.
The report is organized in parts, for ease of reference, starting with notable highlights, led by the our Chairman of the Board of Directors. The strategic and operational performance section opens with a message from the Managing Director and covers our people performance, health and environment, operations, social and stakeholder performance. The Chief Financial Officer’s report
leads the financial performance section of this report.