During the financial year to 31 December 2020, Mopani Copper Mines (MCM) recorded net revenue of ZMW4.93 billion (US$ 714.44 million) [December 2019: ZMW4.93 billion (US$369.84 million)]. The net loss for the period under review was ZMW9.31 billion (US$ 474.56 million) [December 2019: ZMW9.31 billion (US$ 698.92 million net loss)].
During the year ended 31 December 2020, MCM produced a total of 90,050 tonnes of copper (2019: 21,554 tonnes). On 31st March 2021, ZCCM-IH and Glencore signed an agreement in which ZCCM-IH would purchase the 90% interest in Mopani held by Carlisa Investments Corp. (“Carlisa”), in which Glencore holds 81.2% of the shares for a US$1 consideration and US$1.50 billion in Transaction Debt.
There were no dividends paid during the financial year ended 31st December 2020 (2019: Nil).