Ndola Lime Company Limited (NLC) reported total revenues for the financial year ended 31st March 2016 of K196.6 million (2015: K195.7 million) and a loss after tax of K86.3 million (2015: K17.7 million).
The company’s results during the year were affected by reduced sales margins, prolonged run of the inefficient rotary kiln, year-end inventory adjustments, additional depreciation charges arising from the commissioned new plant and exchange losses.
ZCCM-IH continued to provide financial support towards the completion of the Ndola Lime Recapitalisation Project. During the year an additional shareholder loan of K28.7 million (US$2.82 million) was provided. The project is expected to increase the company’s production volume at a reduced unit cost of production by using alternative cheaper fuel and is still undergoing hot commissioning.
The conversion of the ZCCM-IH shareholder loans into equity amounting to K659 million significantly improved NLC’s gearing.
There were no dividends declared during the year under review (2015: nil).