Children’s Town: A Home to Former Street Children Gets a Boost of Assorted Food and Household Items

ZCCM Investments Holdings (ZCCM-IH) has donated assorted food and household items to benefit over 90 children at Children’s Town in Malambanyama, Chibombo district. Children’s Town is home to children retrieved from living on the streets, who are given shelter, food, education and skills training development among others.

The home is run by the Development Aid from People-to-People Zambia (DAPP Zambia). Since 1990, DAPP has provided educational opportunities to hundreds of former street children, training them in agriculture, livestock management, carpentry, food production, designing and tailoring among other vocational and survival skills.

DAPP Resource Mobilisation Officer, Mr. Jabez Kanyanda thanked ZCCM-IH for the gesture and urged the company to continue supporting the organisation in its quest to give street children a home and hope for the future. Mr Kanyanda expressed gratitude to ZCCM-IH for the donation stating that such a gesture encourages them to continue reaching out and improve the welfare of children that find themselves on the streets for various reasons.

“We rehabilitate the former street children, take them through counselling and give them a home in Children’s Town. They receive life skills and vocational training. We also carry out a family unification and support system to help the children settle either in the same or a newly identified community after they complete the 2-year program at Children’s Town,” said Mr Kanyanda.

ZCCM-IH represented by Corporate Affairs Officer Kateule Nakazwe applauded Mr Kanyanda and his team for the noble work they are doing, as children are the future and need to be nurtured into responsible and productive citizens. Ms Nakazwe stated that ZCCM-IH remains committed to making a difference in the lives of the vulnerable in society even in areas where the company does not have any investments.

ZCCM-IH donated the items on 6th April 2023 that included bags of mealie-meal, blankets, sanitary towels and mosquito nets worth K25,000.00.



Accelovant Deploys Fiber-Optic Sensors to Improve Efficiencies at Kansanshi Copper Mine

Sensors installed in “smokestack scrubbers” dramatically reduce plant downtime, enabling processing at higher capacities and facilitating automated control.

NORTH VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / April 13, 2023 / Accelovant, an innovative developer of fiber-optic sensing solutions for semiconductor, industrial, IoT, manufacturing, and power distribution markets, announced the deployment of its fiber-optic temperature sensors at Kansanshi Mining PLC, a First Quantum-owned company located in Zambia, and one of the world’s largest and most productive copper mining and smelting sites. The Accelovant sensors replaced older technology devices that were highly prone to failure under the extreme operating conditions within the wet electrostatic precipitators (ESP) utilized to scrub dangerous toxins and pollutants from gas streams generated in the copper smelting process.

“Accelovant specializes in high-temperature fiber-optic sensors which are also immune to electrical noise and interference,” said Michael Goldstein, chief executive officer for Accelovant. “Our patented Kristonium material has created a new class of fiber-optic temperature sensors that offer long service life at temperatures exceeding 450 degrees Celsius. In systems like the ESPs at the Kansanshi mines, the sensors replaced electrical devices that could not survive the harsh high voltage and electrical noise environment.”

To operate at peak efficiency, the plant must maintain precise temperature levels between 325 and 340 degrees Celsius through the use of in-stream sensors. This is a challenge in the harsh operating environment surrounding the wet ESPs (high voltage, electrical noise, and high temperature).

Pieter Oosthuizen, control instrumentation superintendent at the Kansanshi plant, noted that the ESP units operate with a typical 45 kilovolt charge. “In this kind of environment, there is tremendous electromagnetic noise and induced currents in anything that is conductive or that utilizes electronics. We tried many different sensor types, but in all cases the electronics would burn out and fail due to the stray electromagnetic fields – until we installed the Accelovant sensors.”


Read more: Bloomberg

NFCA posts increased copper & gold production

The Chinese owned NFC Africa Mine has recorded an annual increase in both its copper and gold production at its Chambishi based mine of kalulushi district on the Copperbelt. At this rate of production, Kalulushi town is expected to get some linkage industry success if local authorities negotiate proper deals.

Copper production at Non-Ferrous China Africa (NFCA), a subsidiary of the state-owned China Nonferrous Metals Corporation (CNMC) increased by over 5,000 tons in 2022 from about 62,300 tons recorded in 2021 to 67,600 tons recorded in 2022. An an average copper price of $9,000 per ton, the mine has produced copper worth $608 million.

The Chinese owned mine has posted two consecutive years of increased production as the report further shows an increase of 18,675 tons when compared to the about 48,900 tons of copper produced in 2020.

According to the consolidated report obtained by the Zambian Business Times – ZBT – compiled by the Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development, Gold production at the chinese mine also increased by about 3kgs from about 51 kgs in 2021 to about 54 kgs in 2022

Non Ferrous Company Africa Mining – NFCA was established in March 1998 as the holding company of Chambishi Copper Mine as part of the privatization of Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines Limited (“ZCCM”). It is majority owned by China Non-ferrous Metals Company Limited (“CNMC”), which holds an 85% shareholding stake, whilst ZCCM – Investments Holdings holds a 15% shareholding stake.


Source: Zambian Business Times

ZCCM-IH Shareholders Approve the Kansanshi Royalty Transaction

3rd April 2023, Kitwe, Zambia: ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc (ZCCM-IH) shareholders have approved the Kansanshi royalty conversion where the Company will now receive 3.1% of Kansanshi Mining Plc’s (Kansanshi) total revenue. The royalty revenue will be paid on a quarterly basis over the entire life of the mine of Kansanshi that currently extends to the year 2045.
The approval was given at the Shareholder’s Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) held in Kitwe on 31st March 2023. The royalty income stream replaces the former model of unpredictable and unguaranteed dividend pay-outs. These were made at the discretion of the Board and were dependent on company profitability. Instead, a royalty is predictable and guaranteed as it will be charged at 3.1% of the company’s total revenue (from sales of Copper, Gold, and all other metal products) as per the Royalty Agreement. This therefore guarantees a steady income stream for ZCCM-IH, as long as there is production at Kansanshi.

ZCCM-IH Board Chairperson Ms. Dolika Banda says that this will result in a far healthier cash flow for ZCCM-IH which will in turn make it far easier for the Company to raise financing pursue its ambitious investment strategy. 

Ms. Banda further states that “the royalty arrangement will give us consistent and stable income, and fundamentally will change the financial health of ZCCM-IH by so doing. Our ambition is to make investments throughout the mining value chain – from exploration, through to value addition – so that we may help to create national economic success stories for the benefit of all Zambians; and for our shareholders, value creation and a return on their investment.”

A comparison of actual dividends received from Kansanshi since 2009 with estimates for future royalty rates shows that not only will overall revenue be far greater under the royalty model – but the revenue flow is also more predictable and consistent.

In addition, a royalty will see ZCCM-IH benefit from future high copper prices, in the likely event of a price recovery from recent market turmoil. It also affords protection from the worst of any future price slump as it is paid on production, not profitability. If Kansanshi is in production and earning revenues, a royalty will be paid – even if the mine is then producing at a loss.

ZCCM-IH will continue to hold 20% of the shares in Kansanshi Mining Plc, retain 2 out of 10 board seats, and thus continue to participate in the governance of Kansanshi and having full visibility of Kansanshi operations.

The completion of the Royalty Transaction follows extended discussions over the past three (3) years between First Quantum Minerals (FQM) and ZCCM-IH.




Issued by:
Loisa Mbatha
Corporate Affairs Manager
ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc
Summary of Some Key Terms of the Transaction
  • Key Terms:
    1. Dividend: Payable depending on satisfactory performance of a company and is at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Relies on company profitability.
    2. Royalty: Charged as a percentage of the amount of minerals produced and sold over a specified period, at the market price. Paid irrespective of profitability.


  • Equity Interest:
  • Retention of 20% Class A shares with varied rights.
  • Retain two Board seats on Kansanshi Board to ensure visibility into the operations of the Company. 


  • Royalty:
  • The grant of a life of mine royalty to ZCCM-IH in respect of the gross value of all metal products to be extracted from the Kansanshi mine as per the Royalty Agreement to be executed on the Transaction closing date.
  • 3.1% of the Gross Value of all Metal Products extracted from the Royalty Area 
  • Royalty based on the Gross Value of Royalty Products (Copper, Gold, and all other metal products) sold or otherwise extracted at Kansanshi.
  • Royalty will be quarterly payments for the entire Life of Mine of Kansanshi.
  • Replaces dividend payment.


  • VAT Refunds:
  • Kansanshi will pay ZCCM-IH 20% of all VAT refunds receivable, on receipt of refunds from ZRA, up to the effective date of the Royalty Agreement.

Job Advertisement: Assistant Accountant, Procurement Officer, Mine Manager, Geologist, Internal Auditor, Commercial Officer



Kabundi Resources Limited (KRL), is a wholly owned subsidiary of ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc, managing the manganese licence that ZCCM holds in Serenje District, Central Province of Zambia. 

The Company invites applications from suitably qualified and experienced persons who are innovative, energetic and performance driven to fill the position listed Below:

  1. Mine Manager X1
  2. Internal Auditor X1
  3. Procurement Officer X1
  4. Geologist X1
  5. Commercial Officer X1
  6. Assistant Accountant X1

*Please Note that the Duty Station is KRL Mine, Serenje

Applications CLEARLY MARKED WITH THE POSITION TITLE, together with copies of certificates and detailed curriculum vitae should be addressed to:

Chief Human Resource & Administration Officer

ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc

and forwarded to

The Application should reach the undersigned not later than 11th April 2023

Please refer to the links below for detailed information about the positions


Rufunsa Girls Technical Secondary School Pupils Receive Mosquito Nets Each

ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc (ZCCM-IH) has donated a total of 670 mosquito nets worth K150,000 to Rufunsa Girls Technical Secondary School pupils. The donation arises from the school’s request for the nets in order to alleviate malaria cases at the school. Rufunsa District currently records one of the highest rates of malaria in Lusaka Province. According to the District’s Health Office, Rufunsa has 400 cases per 1,000 people, making it the highest rate of malaria incidences in Lusaka Province.

The donation was undertaken during the commemoration of the 2023 International Women’s Day celebrations. Speaking during the event, ZCCM-IH Chief Human Resources and Administration Officer, Ms. Betty Meleki flanked by female employees of ZCCM-IH said the goodwill gesture was undertaken to commemorate the event.   

School Headteacher, Ms Bridget Nambwele expressed her gratitude stating that the intervention was timely and that it will go a long way in malaria prevention amongst pupils at the school. Ms Nambwele further underscored the importance of innovation and technology for gender equality stating that the school uses an approach to learning and development that integrates the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), preparing the girls for critical thinking, problem solving and jobs of the future. She stated that the school has brilliant girls who are passionate about STEM and have won various prizes in inter-school competitions.

Rufunsa is one of the areas of interest where ZCCM-IH is actively undertaking gold exploration activities in Chieftainess Mphanshya area.


Corporate Social Responsibility: Call For Submissions

ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc (ZCCM-IH) is an investment holding company with significant interests in Zambia’s mining and energy sectors. ZCCM-IH is listed on the Lusaka Securities Exchange, the  Paris Euronext Access and London Stock Exchanges. The Group’s portfolio commodity mix includes copper, gold, amethyst, manganese, limestone, coal, and power energy among others.

ZCCM-IH is involved in sponsoring, among other things, various sporting, athletic, philanthropic and charitable activities, as part of its corporate social responsibility. Its activities are expected to span the entire country in the creation of value for the local community’s participation in various developmental activities.

In view of the above, ZCCM-IH is developing a database of organisations in Zambia with projects or initiatives in need of contributions, donations, and/or sponsorships for its corporate social responsibility initiatives. These institutions must already be actively (no new entities/no proposals) serving the vulnerable/underserved and making a positive difference in their communities, specifically in the following areas:

  1. Orphanages
  2. Street Children Initiatives
  3. Homes for the Old-Aged (Hospices)
  4. The Differently Abled
  5. Associations of Widows and Widowers
  6. Community Care Centers

All submissions must use the registration form provided and should not be more than two pages.

For more information, email or call +260 211 388 000. The closing date for the receipt of submissions is May 31, 2023 at 12:00HRS.

Loisa Mbatha
Corporate Affairs Manager
ZCCM Investments Holdings PLC


Open For Business: How Far Has Zambia Come Since 2022? Attendees at The 2023 Mining Indaba share Their Impressions

Its been eight months since Zambia used its moment in the limelight at the 2022 Investing in African Mining Indaba to deliver the message that President Hichilemas Administration would be prioritising policy stability and predictability in the mining sector, the countrys biggest foreign exchange earner.

Now, with the 2023 Mining Indaba behind us, Mining For Zambia reflects on the impression of unity that Africa’s second largest copper producer created for the investors, political leaders, commodity traders, and companies across the mining value chain who gathered at last week’s event. Ministries, parastatals, the Zambia Chamber of Mines, and local and foreign investors all came together to demonstrate that Team Zambia’ is aligned in its goal to harness minings potential to drive meaningful and lasting economic development. It was unlike anything seen in previous years, and delivered the unequivocal message that Zambia means business.


Read more: Mining for Zambia

Government Committed to Leveraging its Vast Mineral Wealth – Mines Minister

The government says Zambia is leveraging its vast mineral wealth to spur economic transformation.

Minister of Mines and Mineral Development Paul Kabuswe said the government has started an electric vehicle battery manufacturing program with neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) which is being promoted within the private and public investment sectors in Zambia among other strategies.

Mr Kabuswe stated that despite the government being in office it has already made strides to work with its neighbours for maximum benefits from the minerals. He said this when addressing a Ministerial symposium preceding the opening of the Annual Mining Indaba in Cape Town, South Africa. He said Africa should stop wasting time on negotiations but focus on exploring its mineral wealth.

“We need to stop wasting time on the negotiating table. Africa has a lot of minerals that need to be mined. The continent risks losing out if we delay in mining the minerals,” said Mr. Kabuswe.

Mr Kabuswe also called for mutual respect by both investors with the money and countries with minerals. The Mining Indaba has attracted more than 7000 delegates, 500 investors, 530 mining companies and 48 ministers from different countries.

The Indaba provides a vital platform to create space for networking and creating investment opportunities. The Minister is also expected to hold bilateral meetings during the indaba. His delegation comprises officials from State House, the Ministry of Mines, Ministry of Commerce, Trade and industry, the Zambia Development Agency, ZANACO, ZCCM -IH and the Zambian High Commission in South Africa. Minister of Finance and National Planning, Situmbeko Musokotwane is expected to join the delegation tomorrow.

This is according to a statement made available to the media by First Secretary Press and Public Relations Zambia High Commission of South Africa Tamara Nyirenda yesterday.


Source: Lusaka Times