KCM Extract from 2019 Annual Report

Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) reported total revenue of ZMW12.25 billion (US$1,084.80 million) for the financial year ended 31 March 2019 [2018: ZMW12.2 billion (US$1,283.0 million)]. The reduction in revenue was as a result of below budget custom production as well as below budget combined concentrate tonnage available for treatment in the smelter. This had an adverse impact on sulphuric acid production which in turn impacted on copper production at the Tailings Leach Plant. KCM’s total mine production for the year was recorded at 177,035 tonnes (2018:144,664 tonnes). Loss after tax was ZMW3.72 billion (US$ 332.2 million) [(2018: ZMW1.102 billion loss (US$131.6 million)].

NFC Africa Mining Plc Extract from 2019 Annual Report

NFCA recorded a net revenue of ZMW 1.78 billion (US$159.3 million) for the financial year ending 31st December 2018 (2017: ZMW 1.52 billion (US$159.6)). Profit after tax was ZMW89.57 million (US$ 8.0 million), (2017: ZMW153.74 million US$16.1million). Despite the decline in profitability, the financial performance remained positive and marginally exceeded targets that were set for the 2018 financial year. The production target in 2018 was 1.5 million tonnes of processed ore against the actual completion of 1.504 million tonnes while Copper in concentrate 2018 target was 27,000 tonnes against Copper actual figures closing at 27,600 tonnes.
The production did not include significant amounts of copper that came from the South East Ore Body as was initially anticipated. Despite management having projected significant Copper production from the South East Ore Body Plant by the end of the year, this was not the case. However, significant progress was made and management continues to focus on
bringing this project to completion to ensure increased production for the mine.
There were no dividends paid during the year ended 31st December 2018 (2017: Nil).

Kariba Minerals Ltd Extract from 2019 Annual Report

Kariba Minerals Limited (KML) reported total revenue of ZMW20.95 million for the year ended 31 March 2019 (2018: ZMW17.18 million). KML reported a net loss of ZMW11.77 million
during the financial period under review (2018: ZMW10.22 million loss).
For the financial year ended 31st December 2018, Kariba Minerals produced a total of 804,124 Kg of rough amethyst. During the same financial year, Kariba held one auction in February 2018 in Jaipur, India. Due to regulatory changes in India’s gemstone industry, no further auctions were held for the year. Revenue for the period is attributable to direct sales of Kariba’s established clientele.
Subsequent to the year end, ZCCM-IH increased its stake in KML to 100% by acquiring a further 50% shares.
There were no dividends declared during the financial year under review (2018: Nil).

Kansanshi Mining Plc Extract from 2019 Annual Report

Kansanshi Mining Plc (KMP) had sales revenue of ZMW18.36 billion (US$1.64 billion) for the financial year ended 31 March 2019 [2018: (ZMW16.08 billion) (US$ 1.68 billion)]. This was
lower by 3% from 2018 reflecting lower copper sales volumes partially offset by higher realized metal prices. Net profit after tax of ZMW3.12 billion (US$278.87 million) was lower than the
ZMW3.93 billion (US$411.52 million) reported in 2018 reflecting lower sales revenues.
Copper production for the financial year ended 31st December 2018 was 251,522 tonnes, slightly higher than 2017 (250,801 tonnes) primarily due to higher throughput and grade on the
sulphide and mixed ore circuits, as well as higher recoveries on the oxide circuit due to higher acid availability from the smelter compared to 2017. No concentrate was processed through
the high-pressure leach due to the processing of tarnished sulphide material.
Gold production was 130,019 ounces, about 8% lower than in 2017 mainly due to lower gold feed grades. Gold plant improvements commenced during the fourth quarter and will continue during the first quarter of 2019.
Cash costs were reduced due to acid sales and there being no major smelter shutdown in 2018, partially offset by higher fuel costs. AISC (All-in Sustaining Cost) of $1.55 per lb. was $0.07 per lb. lower than 2017 reflecting lower C1 cash cost and deferred stripping, partially offset by higher sustaining capital expenditures and royalty costs.
The Kansanshi Smelter achieved record production and throughput in 2018, having treated 1,381,637 DMT (Dry Metric Tonnes) of concentrate, a 14% increase over 2017 exceeding design capacity of 1.2 million DMT. The overall copper recovery rate achieved was 97%. During the year, the smelter processed 11,682 DMT of concentrate purchased from third parties to ensure smelter maintains maximum feed rate and acid production levels during the wet season.
A dividend of ZMW223.8 million (US$ 20 million) was declared for year ended 31 March 2019 [(2018: ZMW745.68 million) (US$78 million)]

CNMC Luanshya Copper Mines Extract from 2019 Annual Report

CNMC Luanshya Copper Mines Plc (CNMC) recorded a turnover of ZMW3.39billion (US$303.19 million) for the year ended 31st March 2019 (2018: ZMW2.22 billion (US$232.1 million). The
profit after tax was ZMW366.04 million (US$32.69 million), (2018: ZMW444.81million (US$ 46.58 million)). The increase in revenue and profitability was as a result of increased production
during the year as output at Baluba and the slag reclamation project complimented production from Muliashi open pit mine.
Total 2018 copper production increased to 47,256 tonnes from 43,177 in 2017. Focus has been placed on managing the high production costs at Baluba by balancing it out with production from slag reclamation. There were no dividends declared during the year ended 31 December 2018 (2017: Nil)

Chibuluma Mines Extract from 2019 Annual Report

Revenue for the financial year ended 31st December 2018 was US$65.8 million (2017: US$70.3 million). Net loss over the period under review was US$17.95 million (2017: profit of US$7.03 million).
The decrease in revenue is attributed to factors including lower payable contained Copper produced, finalisation of invoices at lower Copper prices than provisionally invoiced, lower grade of Copper mined through the crown pillar ores and limited third party ore for production. The decrease in Net profit for the period was attributable to the asset impairment of US$24.5 million following the completion of the 2018 statutory financial audit and an impairment review of mine assets completed by Jinchuan Head Office and Deloitte. The Chibuluma South ore reserve continued to be depleted during the year with life of mine now only 2 years. In 2018, the company continued its survival plan through higher recoveries from crown pillar mining. The company continues to stockpile this ore with the aim for further tests on how best it should be processed. Through Lufwanyama Mining Manufacturing and Trading Services Limited (LMMTS), a subsidiary of CMP, exploratory work is being carried out in North-Western in line with the company’s survival plan. No dividends were paid for the financial year ended 31st December 2018 (2017: nil).

Chambishi Metals Extract from 2019 Annual Report

The Company recorded EBITDA of ZMW169.06 million (US$15.1 million) for the year ended 31st December 2018 compared to ZMW242.95 million (US$21.7 million) in 2017. Copper produced for the 12 months to 31st December 2018 was 37,006 tonnes compared to 36,153 tonnes in 2017 and 1,614 tonnes of cobalt was produced vs 2,520 tonnes in 2017. There were no dividends paid during the year under review (2017: Nil).

METS Extract from 2018 Annual Report

Misenge Environmental and Technical Services Limited (METS) earned a total of K5.48 million (unaudited) as revenue for the year ended 31st March 2018 (2017: K8.80 million). Of the revenue, K4.6 million was realised from recurring services to ZCCM-IH (2017: K2.63 million) and K0.88 million was from non ZCCM-IH sources (2017: K6.17 million). METS recorded a net loss of K4.5 million (2017: K1.22 million loss).

During the year under review, ZCCM-IH purchased and installed the Fume and Dust extractors at the Kabwe Analytical Laboratory. The process of Accreditation of the Analytical Laboratory to the Southern African Development Community Accreditation Services (SADCAS) begun during the year under review.

There were no dividends declared during the year under review (2017: Nil).

Investrust Plc Extract from 2018 Annual Report

nvestrust Bank Plc (“Investrust”) recorded a 19.9% decrease in net interest income to K48.91 million during the year ended 31st December 2017 (2016: K40.82 million). Total operating expenses increased marginally by 1% on a year-on-year basis to K149.65 million (2016: K148.23 million). During the year under review, the Bank recorded a loss of K38.00 million (2016: K47.40 million loss).

Subsequent to the year-end, ZCCM-IH increased its shareholding in Investrust from 45.4% to 71.4% through the mandatory offer that commenced on 9th April 2018 and closed on 30th April 2018.

The Bank’s share price on the LuSE closed the period under review at K13.50 (2016: K13.50).There were no dividends declared during the financial year under review (2016: Nil).

CEC Extract from 2018 Annual Report

During the financial year ending 31st December 2017, revenue of K 3,724 million (US$390 million) (2016:
K3,503 million (US$355 million) was recorded driven mostly by the increase to the end-user mining tariff. Adjusted Earnings Before Interest Tax Depreciation and Amortisation (EBITDA) was K964 million (US$101 million) [(2016: K923.54 million (US$90 million)].

As at 31 March 2018, the Company had cash and cash equivalents of K645 million (US$68 million) compared to total borrowings of K835 million (US$88 million) out of which K133 million (US$14 million) is payable in 2018. The Company’s net current assets as at that date was K664 million (US$70 million). Based on the financial forecast, it is expected that the working capital of the business over the next 12 months will be positive and that the Company will be profit-making during the same period.

The telecoms subsidiaries (CEC Liquid Telecom and Hai Telecoms) has been expanding its market share in the wholesale and retail segments and have been profitable two years consecutively; exhibiting potential for further growth prospects. The CEC board further recognises that the Company is primarily a power business and that there is need to continuously review its strategy around its continued investment in the telecoms operations going forward.

On 23 January 2018, the Company received a firm intention by Zambian Transmission LLP to buy all the shares in the capital of CEC. The board considered the offer and appointed an Independent Committee of the Board to consider the offer. The offer was sent, through an offer document to all shareholders, with an offer period commencing 20 February 2018.

Total Dividend paid for 2017 was K209 million (US$21 million) [(2016: K161.8 (US$16.4 million)].

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