ZCCM-IH pays dividends

ZCCM-IH has presented to Government a third dividend cheque in a week worth about 16 point 8 Million Kwacha.

Speaking after presentation of the cheque, Finance Minister Margaret Mwanakatwe thanked ZCCM-IH Board and Management for keeping the company on a profitable path.

Mrs. Mwanakatwe also urged other State-Owned Enterprises to emulate the performance of ZCCM-IH.

She explained that state owned enterprises should endeavour to always be creative and work hard to turn around their institutions to be profitable.

And ZCCM-IH Acting Chief Executive Officer Mabvuto Chipata said the institution will continue to play an important role in the mining sector.

Mr. Chipata also assured that ZCCM-IH will remain focused and continue to create value in all its investments in order to sustain the delivery of returns on investment of all shareholders.

Source: ZNBC

Chipata’s 2 big Cheques Shine at IDC and NAPSA

Monday the 4 of March 2019 will forever echo in Mabuvto Chipata mind for some time to come. This is the day that he delivered two life size cheques to two key stakeholders in: IDC and NAPSA as acting CEO of ZCCM IH.

In his maiden dividend cheque delivery as the current leader of one of the foremost investment companies in Zambia, Acting CEO Chipata delivered dividend payments that many will not know where actually fruits of his stewardship as Chief Investment Officer. The fruits in this case was the K98.1 million dividend (0.61 per share) that was declared at the last annual general meeting at the end of January 2019.

A technocrat at heart, the crisp delivery of his cheque delivery speech showed a CEO with an investment acumen. “Our main focus moving forward, is that we continue to create shareholder value to sustain the continued delivery on the Return on Investment of our Shareholders”, declared aCEO Chipata at the NAPSA head office in Lusaka when he deliver their slice of the dividend valued at approximately K14 million who own 15% of ZCCM IH.

The aCEO also indicated that his company remained focus for the long term as they continue on a growth and transformational trajectory, with continued focus on the mining sector.


ZCCM IH makes a K6 million bet on Amethyst

ZCCM IH recently charge up Mapatizya with the unveiling of equipment worth K6 million for its investment in Kariba Minerals Limited which is intended to shake up the industry.

The investment group, currently under the stewardship of Mabvuto Chipata who is Acting CEO, recently announced that it would be acquiring the remaining 50% shares in the Amethyst mine. This is one of the oldest mines of its kind in Zambia and has been operating for over 60 years.

The company’s market share has been estimated at over 90% of the amethyst originating from Zambia, with production reaching as much as 800 tonnes of commercial grade amethyst per year, making it one of the largest producers in the world, according to Mr. Chipata who gave a statement at the 67% handing over ceremony. He hopes that this investment will yield positive results for his investment company which is pursing high performance targets which will require quality sales being made by the mine.

The mining equipment investment made to the company included two tipper trucks, one excavator and one front end load. This investment would go a long away in ensuring that the mine remained a leading player in the mining industry, according to Peter Phiri who is General Manager for Kariba Minerals. The forecast increases in production is around 150% for commercial grade amethyst and 67% for ore by tonnage.

ZCCM IH has been on an investment drive and recently unveiled its 5 year strategy which the company believes will increase shareholder value over the long term. The Chart below shows the performance of the company’s shares on LuSE over the last 5 years. With the share price last peaking in December 2015, Mr. Chipata and his management team will be targeting to achieve the highs of yesteryear. The investment made in Kariba Minerals is a clear signal to the market that they are intent to grow shareholder value.


ZCCM-IH buys new Equipment for Kariba Minerals

The Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines-Investment Holdings ZCCM-IH has capitalised Kariba Minerals Ltd with the purchase of new equipment worth K6 million to boost amethyst production.

ZCCH-IH currently owns 50 percent of the company and is in the process of finalising the acquisition of the additional 50 percent from Gemfields Ltd.
The equipment was officially handed over to the mine yesterday by ZCCM-IH acting Chief Executive Officer Mabvuto Chipata.

The 2018 copper production hits 861,946 tonnes

The performance of the sector was better in 2017 relative to 2018. The increase in copper production is attributed to:
i. The ramp up in Production at Kalumbila
ii. Improved plant availability and utilization at the Tailings Leach Plant at KCM coupled with higher grades
iii. Commissioning of the Synclinorium Shaft at Mopani in Kitwe has increased volume of ore being hoisted.

Copper Production (Tonnes)

Mine 2017 (Tonnes) 2018 (Tonnes)
Kansanshi Mining 250 803,96 249 532,07
Lumwana 116 170,67 101 890,03
Mopani 44 860,35 62 191,24
Konkola 84 436,08 93 165,01
Chibuluma 10 194,50 11 258,53
CNMC Luanshya 43 206,34 50 363,32
Lubambe 18 037,06 22 074,50
NFCA 27 706,22 27 644,02
Sino Metals 7 100,00 9 312,90
Kalumbila Minerals 190 913,23 223 655,12
Small Scale 5 900,71 10, 859,47
Total         799 329.12        861 946.19

below is a link to the 2018 production figures summary.


Source: Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development

ZCCM-IH, Urban Hotels partner


ZCCM-INVESTMENT Holding (IH) and Urban Hotel Group have partnered to invest K60 million in the construction of a mixed-development property.

The property comprises a hotel and a Food Lover’s Market retail store creating over 1,500 indirect and 300 permanent jobs, with ZCCM-IH owning 49 percent while Urban Hotel Group owning 51 percent…

Source: Daily Mail

Arc minerals raises 2.2M pounds for copper project

Aim-listed Arc Resources has raised £2.2-million through the placing of 73.6-million units at 3p each.

Proceeds of the placing will be used to fund the continuing exploration and development work on the company’s Zamsort copper project, in Zambia, and for general working capital purposes.

Executive chairperson Nick von Schirnding said Arc was approached by two family offices, one of which was already a shareholder for further funding to progress the newly identified targets at the Zamsort copper project, in Zambia.

“This is a very good outcome for us and as a result we will be accelerating work in respect of Cheyeza West and other key targets and will start a comprehensive drilling programme as soon as possible,” said Von Schirnding.

Von Schirnding would acquire 2 333 334 placing units at a price of 3.00p a unit. Upon admission, he would have a beneficial interest representing about 2.26% of the enlarged ordinary share capital of the company.

Nonexecutive directors Don Bailey, Mumena Mushinge and Brian McMaster have also participated in the placing, and so did COO Vassilios Carellas and CFO John Forrest.

Source: Mining Weekly

ZCCIM-IH in Collaboration with the Esther Lungu Foundation Donates Fertilizer and Hands Over a Water Borehole to Lufwanyama Residents

ZCCM-IH, in collaboration with the Esther Lungu Foundation Trust (ELFT), donated 200 bags of 50kg fertilizer, in addition to a water borehole handed over to residents in Chief Lumpuma’s Chiefdom in Lufwanyama district. The 200 bag of fertilizer donation was aimed at empowering local women’s groups in the area, whose main livelihood is depended on agriculture. The water borehole will be accessed by over 1,000 residents in the area.

In her speech read on her behalf by the Lufwanyama District Commissioner, the First Lady, Mrs. Esther Lungu commended ZCCM-IH for its consistency in the implementation of the access to clean and safe water initiative throughout the country.

CEC Investors in “Liquid” Windfall with ZCCM IH a Big Winner

Copperbelt Energy Corporation Plc, Energy, ZCCM-Investment Holdings Plc
Posted on February 6, 2019 at 6:59 pm.
Written by Founder Fi

Following Copperbelt Energy (CEC Plc) disposing off its 50% shareholding in CEC Liquid Telecommunication Limited (CEC Liquid Telecom) to pan-African telecoms group, Liquid Telecommunication Holdings Limited (Liquid Telecom) in October 2018, investors in the company waited with baited breath for the CFO through his subcommittee on the board to conclude deliberations for the submission of the recommended special dividend from the proceeds of the sale.

The announcement that came on 1st February 2019 of a special dividend marked a four month wait for investors. The Board of CEC approved the payment of an interim dividend of US Cents 1.9 per ordinary share which translates to ZMW 0.2267 per share according to the SENS announcement that was issued.

Investors such as ZCCM IH which has shown intent on increasing its energy investment by increasing its shareholder by 4% in November 2018, will be pleased with this development as they bought the shares at an appropriate time that will see the investment group benefit from the announcement windfall.

IDC owned ZCCM-IH now owns 24 per cent shares acquired in the November 2018 transaction. At 1.6 Billion shares in issue, ZCCM IH now owns a staggering 390 thousand shares. This translates to their payment on 4th March 2019 (the effective date of payment for the dividend) US$ 7.41 million or K 88.4 million at an exchange rate of 11.93 kwacha to a dollar.

A recap of the rationale of the investment indicates that CEC entered into a Joint Venture with Liquid Telecom as equal partners in 2011. However, 8 years later, the Owen Silavwe led management team backed by the management’s belief system of entering into a telecommunications union with Liquid Telcom led them on a path that saw the entities assets attaining the desired commercial status that was in their strategy.

Although the company does not provide clear indications as to why divesture happened last year in their statement on the disposal, Liquid Telcom’s generous acquisition now sees investors having a handsome windfall in the early months of 2019.