Zambia’s Mining Story Shines at Cape Town Indaba

The Zambian mining story is shining on the sidelines of the ongoing Mining Indaba in Cape Town.

London Stock Exchange-listed Zamsort has scored a milestone, with its chairman Mumena Mushinge appointed director of Arc Minerals.

Arc Minerals, formerly Ortac Resources, is engaged in the identification, evaluation, acquisition and development of natural resource projects, located primarily in Africa.

Directors of Zamsort Company migrated their shares to Arc Minerals in order to raise finance and have since seen their move pay off with Mushinge’s appointment.

“Zamsort is a company which was founded in 2002 and it owns a 1, 000 square kilometre area in North Western Province. It owns an exploration licence and it has a small-scale mining licence,” Company Secretary Brian Chisala said.

“It is a hybrid project which has both mining and exploration. In order to raise finance, founders of Zamsort, Mr Munena Mushinge who is the chairman, Brian Chisala company secretary and Katambi Bulawayo, migrated their shares to Arc Minerals and AIM listed company in London to try and raise capital and collectively becoming majority shareholders in Arc Minerals…Today is quite a milestone because the chairman of Zamsort, Mr Munena Musunge, has since been appointed director to Arc Minerals, which is a very rare scenario in the mining sector on listed entities.”

Zamsort has invested about $12 million in a new project that it will commission on a pilot plant producing at least 500, 000 concentrates a month for Copper and Cobalt.

“This is particularly interesting because it is a predominantly Zambian spearheaded company and so it has been a milestone to have Mr Mushinge who has been appointed. When you look at the share pricing after the announcement, it has slightly gone up and we expect it to go up,” he said.

“We are expected to go to phase two of our drilling in 2018. We have also identified new projects in our large scale prospecting which were never discovered before by major corporations like Anglo American and Equinox.”

Source: Zambia Reports

Chibuluma Ninth Best Copper Mine in World – Report

Zambia is among the world’s ten topmost producers of copper with Chibuluma Mine being on the ninth position in the world, according Mining for Zambia website.

The website says Chibuluma Mine on the Copperbelt province which has an average copper grade of three percent, is a shining example of a well-run, profitable enterprise.

“ Chibuluma, which is a relatively small mine by Zambian standards, has paid over $100 million in tax since 2007, and has had one fatality in eight years,” it adds.

The website says although only one Zambian mine makes its list, as the country’s copper grades are generally reduced after many decades of mining.

Modern Zambian mining operations have become highly efficient, to make do with reduced ore grades, and remain a major contributor to the country’s economy and exports.

The average growth of the Zambian mining industry between 2017 and 2021 is expected to be about 5.5 percent, meaning that the sector will continue to be a vital contributor to employment and the broader economy.

Topping the list is Sudbury (also known as Victoria) mine in Canada, North America where the grade of ore is nearly eight percent.

The underground mine is found in a unique geological area, caused by a meteorite crashing into earth nearly 2 billion years ago. One of Sudbury’s main shareholders is KGHM, which has its roots in a Polish state mining company.

Las Cruces Copper mine in Spain owned by First Quantum Minerals (FQM), which operates a number of mines in Zambia is second. Average copper grade at this opencast mine is five percent. Operations began in 2009 and are expected to continue until 2022.

Thanks to innovative technology at the mine, copper cathode produced at the mine is very pure. According to FQM, copper cathode produced at this mine reaches a maximum quality of 99.9 percent copper.

The Kinsenda mine in the DR Congo is third recognised. The mine is very close to Kasumbalesa, a town on the Zambian border, and is owned by a South African company, Metorex.

The average grade of copper at this mine is 4.8 percent. It is another underground mine and operations are expected to continue until 2025.

Fourth recognised is Degrussa Coppermine in Australia, and CSA mine also of Australia on the fifth position while Kinsevere open-pit Coppermine owned by neighboring, DRC takes sixth position.

KOV Coppermine which is an opencast mine and is the largest high-grade copper operation in the world takes is seventh recognised. Its primary shareholders are Glencore and Gécamines, the Congolese state-owned mining company. The average grade of copper at KOV is 4.2 percent.

Kinsevere Coppermine also of the DR Congo and Reed Coppermine in Canada are seventh and eighth recognised copper mines in the world, respectively according to the website.

According to the same website, the copper mine with the tenth-highest grade of copper in the world is found in southern Laos, a country in south-east Asia

Source: Zambia Reports

ZCCM-IH | Changes in the office of the Chief Executive Officer

In compliance with the Securities Act No. 41 of 2016 and the Listing Rules of the Lusaka Securities Exchange (LuSE), the Board of ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc hereby announces the separation and retirement of Dr Pius C Kasolo as Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director respectively, of the Company with effect from 1st February 2019.

The Board would like to take this opportunity to thank Dr Kasolo for his valuable contribution to the Company during his tenure of office and wishes him success in his future endeavours.

The Board further announces the appointment of Mr Mabvuto Chipata, the Chief Investments Officer, as Acting Chief Executive Officer from 1st February 2019 and looks forward to his contribution towards the realisation of ZCCM-IH’s strategic objectives.

By Order of the Board
C Chabala

Company Secretary
Issued in Lusaka, Zambia on Friday, 1 February 2019

Lusaka Securities Exchange Sponsoring Broker
T | +260-211-232456
E |
W |
Stockbrokers Zambia Limited (SBZ) is a member of the Lusaka Securities Exchange and is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Zambia

First Issued on Friday, 1 February 2019

Download full announcement

ZCCM-IH | Changes in the office of the CEO

Lubambe mine projected to increase production by over 60 percent-CEO

Lubambe mine has announced that the mining company is this year projected to increase production by over 60 percent.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Nick Bowen said in Lusaka yesterday Lubambe mine last year recorded a 22 percent increase in copper production.

He said this after a meeting with Republican President Edgar Lungu at State House in Lusaka, this morning.

It produced 22,000 tonnes of copper which is the biggest increase that has happened to the mine since it was opened.

Mr Bowen said this year the mine again is projected to produce 36,000 tonnes of copper increasing production by over 60 percent.

This will help the company achieve its design capacity of 45,000 tonnes by 2020.

On the new tax regime Mr Bowen said government is looking at earning enough from the mines and that what is important is stakeholder engagement, which is already happening.

He said the mine will continue operating and will not cut down on jobs.

” We have been working closely with the government. We understand their objective is to get more income for Zambians and the increase in production is going to deliver so much more in taxes. The more we produce the more taxes the government will earn,” Mr Bowen said.

The mine has over 1,250 employees and 1,250 contractors,” the great position we are in. We need more workers, not less” he said.

He, however, assured the Head of State that the mine will not reduce its workforce as the current one has managed to increase production for the firm.

Mr Bowen said the mine has discovered 200,000 million tonne new ore body with a seven (7) million tonnes of copper at eight (8) percent, which is a high-grade rate according to global standards.

He said the mine is now processing all the neccessary papers with government to start explorations and is expected to invest US$500 million in its operations from next year.

This will create more than 1,000 jobs at construction stage, which will take five (5) years and over 2,000 new jobs will be created when the mine becomes operational.

Source: Lusaka Times

CEC donates books to Kalabo Schools

As part of its corporate social responsibility Copperbelt Energy Corporation (CEC) recently handed over text books to the Mwangala Mwenda Foundation prior to the start of the 2019 year.

According to the company, the books are just some of the essential supplies the Foundation requires for the school year to support 34 primary and community schools located in Kalabo District of Zambia’s Western Province.

The grant from CEC has enabled the Foundation to purchase 510 text books, valued at K20,000, for grades 7 and 9. The books will be distributed across 10 schools when the school year starts in February.

The Foundation is a non-governmental organisation formed in 2016 with a vision to empower women and young girls in Kalabo District by providing project funding and education support.

CEC integrates responsible corporate citizenship into its operations and growth strategy to create sustainable value for all its stakeholders.

Education stands as one of the core pillars of CEC’s social investment, hence, the support rendered to the Mwangala Mwenda Foundation.

Source: Miningnews Zambia

Zambia’s copper production rises to 861,946 tonnes in 2018

Zambia has recorded a marginal increase in its copper production for 2018 to around 861,946 metric tonnes from 799,329 tonnes recorded in 2017, boosted by First Quantum Minerals’ (FQM) operations in Kalumbila District.

But last year’s increased copper output still means that Zambia remains Africa’s second-biggest producer of the red metal, with the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) expected to hit over 1.2 million metric tonnes.

According to the official Ministry of Mines data, Zambia’s total copper production last year marginally rose to an estimated 861,946 tonnes from 799,329 tonnes recorded in 2017.

The total copper production included all of the country’s 10 large scale mining operations as well as small-scale mining operations, which accounted for at least 10,859 metric tonnes from the total tonnage.

Data reveals that although FQM’s Kansanshi Mining Plc recorded a marginal drop of 249,532 tonnes last year from 250,803 tonnes in 2017, its output in 2018 was the highest among all 10 mining companies in the country for a third successive year.

Additionally, Ministry of Mines Permanent Secretary Paul Chanda explained that FQM’s Sentinel Copper Mine in Kalumbila District produced record output of 223,655 metric tonnes, which helped contribute to Zambia’s overall copper production increase.

“The performance of the sector was better in 2018 relative to 2017. The increase in copper production is attributed to: i. The ramp-up in production at Kalumbila; ii. Improved plant availability and utilization at the Tailings Leach Plant at KCM coupled with higher grades; iii. Commissioning of the Synclinorium Shaft at Mopani in Kitwe has increased volume of ore being hoisted,” Chanda explained in a statement released, Wednesday.

Both Kansanshi and the Sentinel’s copper output last year constitute for 473,187 tonnes out of the country’s total production or nearly 55 percent from just two operations.

And 6 other mining companies equally recorded upward copper production output last year.

These included: Mopani Copper Mines, whose output hit 62,191 metric tonnes from 44,860 tonnes in 2017; Konkola Copper Mines (KCM), whose output rose to 93,165 tonnes last year from 84,436 tonnes in 2017; Chibuluma Mines, who recorded 11,258 tonnes in 2018 from 10,194 tonnes in 2017; CNMC Luanshya, whose output increased to 50,363 tonnes last year from 43,206 tonnes in 2017 and Sino Metals, who recorded 9,312 tonnes from 7,100 tonnes, while Lubambe’s copper production hit 22,074 tonnes from 18,037 tonnes during the period under review respectively.

On the other hand, Barrick Gold’s Lumwana Copper Mine saw its output fall to 101,890 tonnes last year from 116,170 tonnes in 2017, while NFCA recorded 27,644 tonnes down from 27,706 tonnes during the period under review respectively.

But Zambia’s increased 2018 copper production still means that the country remains Africa’s second-biggest producer of the red metal, with the DRC expected to hit over 1.2 million metric tonnes.

The DRC first managed to surpass Zambia as the continent’s biggest copper producer after that country managed to produce over 900,000 metric tonnes of copper in 2013, registering a sharp rise and surpassing Zambia’s 754,916 tonnes produced that year.

Source: News Diggers

ZCCM-IH | 2018 Annual General Meeting Presentation

Financial Highlights

36% reduction in Revenue is attributed to low sales at Ndola Lime Company Limited due to increased competition in the lime market and technical challenges.

80% reduction in Other Income is due to decrease in copper price participation income from K719 million in 2017 to K360 million in 2018. The K360 million recorded this year was an additional default interest awarded by the court on the Konkola Copper Mines PPI receivable.

464% increase in Share of Profit of Equity Accounted Investee is driven by improved production volumes and copper prices during the year.

384% Increase in Revenue is due to dividends from CEC Plc and Kansanshi of K51 million and K149 million respectively.

49% reduction in Other Income is due to decrease in copper price participation income (PPI) to K360 million from last year’s amount of K719 million. The K360 million is an additional default interest awarded by the Court on the KCM price participation receivable…

Related download
ZCCM-IH | 2018 Annual General Meeting Presentation

ZCCM-IH | Revised Notice of best evaluated bidder: Tender for the supply and delivery of various ICT requirements

ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc.,
Incorporated in the Republic of Zambia


The Bidders named below have been evaluated as the best bidders for the procurement requirements detailed below. In accordance with the requirement of clause 121 of the Public Procurement Regulations, 2011, it is the intention of ZCCM-IH, the procuring entity, to award contracts to the bidders named after ten (10) working days from the display given below.

Procurement Reference Number ZCCM-IH/043/2018
Procurement Description Supply and Delivery of Various ICT Requirements to ZCCM-IH
Method of Procurement Open National Bidding
Names and Addresses of Best Evaluated Bidders

Lot 1,4,6,9,10 & 12 (Supply and Delivery of High Specification Laptop, Digital Video Camera, 24 Ethernet Switches, Microsoft Visio Pro Software 2016 Licenses, Micro Project Pro Software 2016 Licenses and Blade Servers to ZCCM-IH Office Park, Stand No. 16806, Alick Nkhata Road, Mass Media Complex Area, Lusaka) – Cloudtech Zambia, Plot No. 13, Chaholi Road. Rhodespark, P.O. Box 36611 Lusaka, Zambia.

Lot 2,3,5 & 8 (Supply and Delivery of All in One Desktop Computers, Laptops, High Specification Digital Camera and Supply and Supply and Delivery of LED Monitors to ZCCM-IH Office Park, Stand No. 16806, Alick Nkhata Road, Mass Media Complex Area, Lusaka – Spares Kings Africa Limited, 4769 Lubwa Road, Roads Park, Lusaka, Zambia.

Lot 7 and 11 (Supply and Delivery Integrated Service Routers (ISR) Routers and 22U Floor Standing Cabinets – Netsys Consultants Limited, 6th Floor, Anchor House, Sapele Road, P.O. Box 33485 Lusaka

Proposed Contract Prices 1. Cloudtech

Lot No. Amount (ZMW)
Lot 1 41,947.92
Lot 4 34,729.19
Lot 6 96,296.33
Lot 9 23,897.16
Lot 10 46,113.48
Lot 12 168,840.44
Total 411,824.52

2. Spares Kings Africa

Lot No. Amount (ZMW)
Lot 2 35,308.08
Lot 3 227,558.59
Lot 5 59,389.68
Lot 8 12,139.63
Total 334,395.98

3. Netsys Consultants Ltd

Lot No. Amount (ZMW)
Lot 7 102,581.60
Lot 11 28,652.00
Total 131,233.60
Date of Display 28th January 2019
Date of Removal 8th February 2019

The display of this notice does not constitute an award of contract to the selected Bidders.

Bid acceptance and contract placement shall be in accordance with the Public Procurement Regulations. Bidders have the right to appeal in accordance with the Public Procurement Regulations, 2011 within ten (10) working days from the date of publication of this notice.

Please note this notice supersedes the earlier one.

Authorised for display and publication by:

Signature: ______________________ Name: K D Kabwe (Mrs.)
Position: Procurement Manager Date: 24th January 2019


Address of Procuring Entity

ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc
ZCCM-IH Office Park
Stand No. 16806, Alick Nkhata Road
Mass Media Complex Area
Lusaka, Zambia

Copy sent to all bidders who submitted bids, including the best evaluated bidders.

ZCCM-IH Revised – Notice of Best Evaluated Bidder for the Supply and Delivery of Various ICT Requirements

ZCCM-IH | Notice of best evaluated bidder: Viability assessment of the development of student accommodation in Lusaka

ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc.,
Incorporated in the Republic of Zambia


The Service Provider named below has been evaluated as the best evaluated bidder for the procurement requirement detailed below. In accordance with the requirement of clause 121 of the Public Procurement Regulations, 2011, it is the intention of ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc (ZCCM-IH), the procuring entity, to award the contract to the bidder named after ten (10) working days from the display given below.

Procurement Reference Number ZCCM-IH/065/2018
Procurement Description Viability Assessment of The Development of Student Accommodation in Lusaka
Method of Procurement Open National Selection
Names and Addresses of Best Evaluated Bidders BE Construction Consultants, Suite 605, 6th Floor, Godfrey House, P.O. Box 50874 RW, Lusaka, Zambia.
Proposed Contract Prices ZMW 698,358.65
Date of Display 30th January 2019
Date of Removal 13th February 2019

The display of this notice does not constitute an award of contract to the Bidders mentioned above.

Bid acceptance and contract placement shall be in accordance with the Public Procurement Regulations. Bidders have the right to appeal, in accordance with the Public Procurement Regulations, 2011, within ten (10) working days from the date of publication of this notice.

Authorised for display and publication by:

Signature: ______________________ Name: K D Kabwe
Position: Procurement Manager Date: 28th January 2019


Address of Procuring Entity

ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc
ZCCM-IH Office Park
Plot No. 16806, Alick Nkhata Road
Mass Media Complex Area
Lusaka, Zambia

Copy sent to all bidders who submitted bids, including the best evaluated bidders.

Download Notice of Best Evaluated Bidder (.pdf)

ZCCM-IH | Notice of dividend payment

At the Annual General Meeting held on 28 January 2019 at Southern Sun Hotel, Lusaka, the Shareholders approved a Final Dividend of K 0.61 per share for the period ended 31 March 2018.

In accordance with the requirements of the Securities Act No. 41 of 2016 and the Listings Rules of the Lusaka Securities Exchange (“LuSE”), Notice is hereby given that the dividend shall be payable to shareholders in the Company’s books as at close of business on Friday, 22 February 2019 (“Record Date”).

Dividend payments will be effected from Monday, 25 February 2019 for shareholders whose shares are listed on the LuSE.

Shareholders are advised to take note of the following dates applicable to the Stock Exchange on which their shares are listed and traded.

Shareholders on the London Stock Exchange
The transfer books and register will be closed on Friday, 22 February 2019. Dividend payments will be effected from Friday, 15 March 2019.

Shareholders on the Paris Marché Libre
The transfer books and register will be closed from Thursday, 21 February to Friday, 22 February 2019 both days inclusive. Dividend payments will be effected from Monday, 25 February 2019.

By Order of the Board
Chabby Chabala
Company Secretary

Issued in Lusaka, Zambia on Monday 28 January 2019

Lusaka Securities Exchange Sponsoring Broker
T | +260-211-232456
E |
W |
Stockbrokers Zambia Limited (SBZ) is a member of the Lusaka Securities Exchange and is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Zambia

First Issued on 28 January 2019