
Keeping you up to date with our ever changing industry

Official Opening of the ZCCM-IH Training Workshop on Electronic – Government Procurement (E-GP) System

  • ZPPA Director General’s speech at the public procurement training workshop

It is with great pleasure and honour that i take this opportunity to welcome you all to this very important workshop. Thank you for having taken time off your busy schedules to attend this training workshop on electronic government procurement usage.

Christopher Chichoni Director-General – ZPPA delivering his speech. Photo from ZCCH IH PR

As you may be aware, the Zambia Public Procurement Authority is a statutory body mandated to provide regulatory and oversight function over procuring entities in order to promote integrity, fairness and public confidence in public procurement. Allow me to state that, the authority has continued to implement notable reforms in the quest to improve public procurement processes and the implementation of the electronic government procurement (e-gp) system is one such example. The implementation of the e-gp marks a new era in public procurement reforms and is in line with government’s overall policy to digitize its operations. Allow me to mention that the e-gp system has a number of benefits not only to the government but to all procuring entities involved in the procurement process and to the general citizenry. The system has simplified public procurement and drastically reduced the challenges faced in the manual process.

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Ladies and gentlemen.

Once fully implemented, it is envisaged that vices like corruption, collusion and bid rigging will be reduced.this is because the procurement of goods, works and services will be done in a transparent manner. The e-gp system will also enhance efficiency by simplifying public procurement processes.

The aim of this training is to enhance your knowledge and understanding of public procurement processes especially in the usage of the electronic government procurement system (e-gp). As you will notice from the programme, this workshop will focus on electronic procurement processes such as online annual procurement planning, e-tendering and online tender advertising.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Public procurement accounts for 15 percent (15%) of zambia’s gross domestic product (gdp). This is a big portion of zambia’s gdp which if handled properly can contribute positive results to the national economy and development agenda. Public procurement therefore, is a vital component in the development process of zambia. The implementation of the e-gp system means that all procurement transactions can be carried out electronically leaving a clear audit trail of all activities. This training for zccm-ih, is a step in the right direction and it is our desire as zppa for all procuring entities to migrate to   e- procurement.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Given the ever-changing business trends world over, zambia has not been left behind and positive strides have been made in implementing strategies that will continuously improve the effectiveness and efficiency of public procurement. Therefore, improvements should always be embraced even at the expense of the seemingly comfortable status quo. The public procurement system in zambia is no exception to the need for continuous improvement hence the introduction of the e-gp system.

As i conclude, allow me to welcome all of you once again to this very important workshop and i want to assure you that, as the public procurement regulator we will endeavour to do everything within our madate and ensure that the playing field in public procurement is favorable for all stakeholders. I  wish to inform you that in the public procurement bill, the usage of the egp system will be mandatory, as zppa we are happy that you have made the decision of transforming from manual procurement to digital and should you have challenges at any stage of using the system, our e-gp technical team is readily available to work with you.  Please do not hesitate to contact my staff beyond this workshop for any e-gp related support you may require. I also wish to inform you that the authority has embarked on a rigorous training program targeted at suppliers to increase the number of suppliers trained in online bid submission.

Participants at the workshop

Ladies and gentlemen,

At the end of this workshop we will provide each participant with a certifcate of attendance. With these remarks, i declare this workshop officially open

I thank you for your attention and ensure that you take care of yourselves by observing social distance, sanitizing and masking up always.

Stay safe and god bless you all

ZCCM IH alive to the importance of Procurement Systems in the Mining industry

There are many challenges facing the mining industry and have credible procurement systems is one of them. According to Mining Procurement & Supply- East Coast of Australia, their 2013 report indicated that some of the challenges around mining procurement included:

ZCCM IH CEO Mabvuto Chipata delivering his speech at the Procurement workshop held in Chisamba Protea Hotel
  • There are numerous pressures related to supporting the business to deliver cost
  • efficiencies, due to the external market environment. Delivery to business plan is a
  • key focus for all functional support areas due to the market, and the key enabler will
  • be cost optimisation.
  • Suppliers might not be around in 6 months, considering that they are facing a
  • decrease in demand and prices.
  • Timelines for major deliverables and projects might not be met if your supplier is
  • downsizing or seeing decreased profit.
  • It’s not guaranteed previous commitments will be met.
  • Recent or current tendering processes might not be adequate enough to guarantee
  • supply chain security.
  • Building win-win relationships is a lot harder due to economic pressures.

A significant percentage of our Company budget expenditure goes through the procurement unit that contracts suppliers of various goods and services”,  said the ZCCM IH CEO Mabvuto Chipata recently at a procurement workshop at Protea Chisamba where a joint collaboration with ZPPA was conducted.

These goods and services are particularly administrative and investment related, from hiring machinery for projects, undertaking of environmental project briefs, exploration services, consultancy services, supply of branding collaterals to supply of cleaning services among others.”

Procurement is becoming a strategic asset for mining companies. ZCCM IH understands this and hence why it was important to conduct the workshop so that it can beef up its internal knowledge systems. Workshops such as this one allow for staff to identify strategic issues around procurement in mining.

As such, the effective and efficient management of both the revenue and the cost side of the business is key with this renewed strategic focus. Cost management for instance in operations and acquiring of various equipment and other services is necessary for us to achieve the set revenue targets”.

This is why the CEO has all the confidence that workshops such as this will contribute to creating a sustainable business environment for his investment group. “I therefore have no doubt that the introduction of an electronic procurement system within our procurement unit will lead to increased efficiencies and transparency”.

ZCCM IH should desire more…

FinanceZCCM-Investment Holdings Plc

Mining is in ZCCM IH’s DNA. Many have heard the folklore of the once biggest mining conglomerate of Southern Africa.  Fraught with mixed fortunes and family silver sold, the investment group we know as one of Zambia’s leading investment vehicles, remains a beacon of hope for all future investments in the sector. Here is why.

Current shareholding mining companies

At present, ZCCM IH has shareholdings in the following 12 mines

  1. Nkandabwe Coal Mine Limited 100.00%
  2. Kariba Minerals Limited 50.00%
  3. Maamba Collieries Limited 35.00%
  4. Konkola Copper Mines Plc 20.60%
  5. Kansanshi Mining Plc 20.00%
  6. Lubambe Copper Mine Plc 20.00%
  7. CNMC Luanshya Copper Mines Plc 20.00%
  8. NFC Africa Mining Plc 15.00%
  9. Chibuluma Mines Plc 15.00%
  10. Chambishi Metals Plc 10.00%
  11. Mopani Copper Mines Plc 10.00%
  12. Nkana Alloy Smelting Company Limited 10.00%

Like with all investment companies, the shareholder in each of these mines allows ZCCM IH to hold a seat in the board room where strategy within the mining sector is discussed.

Gold Processing Machinery. Photo from ZCCM IH

What is ZCCM IH Focus going forward in mining?

According to their 2019 Annual Report, the Company has the majority of its investments held in the copper mining sector of Zambia. The Company’s focus going forward will include the following:

  • Developing and implementing investments strategies and aligning company operations towards maximizing of shareholder value in key economic sectors including mining among other sectors;
  • Monitoring the performance of mining investee companies to ensure they consistently declare reasonable dividends and ensure Company growth;
  • Ensuring effective representation on the boards of the mining investee companies;
  • Establishing and securing joint venture partnerships for projects assessed to be viable;
  • Establishing a Royalty model to maximize shareholder value; and
  • Supply chain participation (including management contracts), where expertise in the Technical Directorate will be applied to leverage this line of business.

However, mining as a holding company is not enough

In July 2020, Industrial Development Corporation Group CEO Mr Mateyo Kaluba announced that ZCCM-IH will take up a more active role as an investor in the mining sector rather than being a holding company for the Government’s minority shares.

What we have asked ZCCM-IH to do is to seek its own mines, do explorations and develop mining operations,” Mateyo Kaluba, chief executive of IDC, said in a statement that was published on

This important strategic statement was made when the IDC maestro was touring the new manganese mine – Kabundi Resources – owned by ZCCM-IH in central Zambia.

It is clear from a strategic lens, that ZCCM IH, through its past involvement in various stages of the mining value chain, is capable of managing controlling interests in mining assets. Therefore, as the entity evolves, its strategy becomes more clear by its pursuits.  ZCCM IH is desirous for more.

Kariba Minerals Limited (KLM) Extract from 2020 Annual Report

For the period under review, Kariba Minerals Limited (Kariba) reported total revenues of ZMW12.44 million (2019: ZMW4.18 million) with a net loss of ZMW11.19 million (2019: ZMW48.64 million profit).  

During the period under review, ZCCM-IH provided an extension on the USD550,000 cash cover for Kariba’s USD500,000 working capital facility with Investrust Bank Plc. The facility was set to expire during the period under review, and KML requested for the extension of the facility for an additional 12 months. This was requested due to challenges the business faced during the financial year caused by the adverse effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and the suspension of exports for a prolonged period.  

There were no dividends declared during the year under review (December 2019: Nil).  

Small-scale miners back ZCCM-IH quest for greater stake in Mopani

THE Small-Scale Miner’s Association of Zambia (SSMAZ) has added its voice to the chorus of calls urging the ZCCM-IH to go ahead and acquire a greater stake in the Glencore-owned Mopani Copper Mines.
The SSMAZ says doing so would be good for stability in the industry and greater returns into the national Treasury.
Supporting calls by the Mineworkers Union of Zambia (MUZ), National Union for Miners and Allied Workers (NUMAW) for government to have a greater financial stake in the mining industry, the SSMAZ said the move would protect local jobs and ensure greater returns for Zambians.


Invitation for Bids – Road and Building Construction in Kasenseli, Mwinilunga and Renovations to Zambia Gold Offices

  1. ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc. has received financing from own sources toward the CAPEX for the 2018/2019 Financial Year, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this financing to payments under the Contract for the Construction Works in Kasenseli, Mwinilunga District and Renovations to Zambia Gold Company Limited Offices at ZCCM-IH Office Park in Lusaka; Contract No.: ZCCM-IH/076/2020.
  2. ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the Construction Works in Kasenseli, Mwinilunga District and Renovations to Zambia Copper Company Limited Offices at ZCCM-IH Office Park in Lusaka:
    Lot 1 – Construction of Gravel Road to Kasenseli Mine in Mwinilunga District (Duration – 12 weeks);
    Lot 2 – Renovations to Zambia Gold Company Limited Offices at ZCCM-IH Office Park (Duration – 12 weeks); and
    Lot 3 – Construction of a Processing Plant at Kasenseli Mine in Mwinilunga District (Duration – 12 weeks).
  3.  Bidding will be conducted through the Open National Bidding (ONB) procedures specified in the Public Procurement Act of 2008 and the Public Procurement Regulations of 2011 and is open to all bidders from Eligible Source Countries as defined in the Bidding Documents. The following CEEC preferential treatment shall be applied as part of the evaluation:
    3.1 Citizen-influenced company – 4%
    3.2 Citizen-empowered company – 8%
    3.3 Citizen-owned company – 12%
  4. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from the address below and inspect the Bidding Documents at this address from 08:00 – 13:00 and 14:00 – 17:00 local time, Monday to Friday inclusive.
  5. Qualifications requirements include:
    Experience as a prime contractor in the rehabilitation of at least two (02) contracts of a similar nature and scope in the last five (05) years;
    ii) A minimum amount of liquid assets and/or credit facilities as follows:
    Lot 1 – ZMW5, 885,660;
    Lot 2 – ZMW1, 332,974; and
    Lot 3 – ZMW916, 355
    iii) Average Annual Turnover for the past three (03) years as follows:
    Lot 1 – ZMW76, 513,582;
    Lot 2 – ZMW17, 328,669; and
    Lot 3 – ZMW11, 912,610
  6. A complete set of Bidding Documents in English may be purchased by interested bidders ON THE SUBMISSION OF A WRITTEN APPLICATION to the address below and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Zambian Kwacha Five Hundred (ZMW500.00). The method of payment will be either by Cash or Bank Certified Cheque.
  7. The address referred to above is:
    K D Kabwe (Mrs.)
    ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc.
    ZCCM-IH Office Park, Stand No. 16806
    Alick Nkhata Road, Mass Media Complex Area
    Lusaka, Zambia
    Tel: +260-211-388000
  8. Bids must be delivered to the address below at or before 10:00 hours on Tuesday, 29th September 2020. Electronic bidding shall not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be opened physically in the presence of the bidders’ representatives who choose to attend in person at the address below immediately after 10:00 hours on 29th August 2020. All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Securing Declaration.
    9. There will be mandatory site visits and pre-bid conferences as follows:
    Lot 1 – Construction of Gravel Road to Kasenseli Mine in Mwinilunga District on Tuesday, 15th September 2020 at 14:00 hours. Bidders to meet at the District Commissioner’s Office in Mwinilunga at 13:00 hours.
    Lot 2 – Renovations to Zambia Gold Company Limited Offices at ZCCM-IH Office Park on Friday, 18th September 2020 at 09:00 hours. Bidders to meet at ZCCM-IH Office Park in Lusaka at 09:00 hours; and
    Lot 3 – Construction of a Processing Plant at Kasenseli Mine in Mwinilunga District on Tuesday, 15th September 2020 at 14:00 hours. Bidders to meet at the District Commissioner’s Office in Mwinilunga at 13:00 hours.
    10. The address referred to in clause 8 is:
    K D Kabwe (Mrs.)
    ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc.
    ZCCM-IH Office Park, Stand No. 16806
    Alick Nkhata Road, Mass Media Complex Area
    Lusaka, Zambia
    Tel: +260-211-388000

Glencore Plans Exit From Mopani

Glencore will likely sell its entire 73.1% stake in Zambia’s Mopani Copper Mines to the government’s mining investment arm ZCCM-IH rather than becoming a minority stakeholder, two sources with direct knowledge told Reuters.

Zambia and Swiss-based Glencore are at “cross purposes” over Mopani, Zambian Mines Minister Richard Musukwa had said on Tuesday when he announced ZCCM-IH aims to increase its shareholding in Mopani to 51% “or even more”, from 10% currently.

Glencore’s plans to put Mopani on care and maintenance prompted the Zambian government to threaten in April to revoke the firm’s mining licences.

Two sources with direct knowledge of the negotiations said Glencore is looking to exit the asset entirely.

“As of now, we are discussing a potential sale of their stake in Mopani,” said one of the sources.

A Glencore spokesman declined to comment. First Quantum , which owns 16.9% of Mopani, did not respond to a request for comment.

The move by ZCCM-IH to take control of Mopani is part of its strategy shift away from minority stakes and towards running mines as an operator.

Glencore wrote off the value of Mopani by $1.144 billion in its half-year earnings report earlier this month, saying the estimated recoverable value was $704 million, including tax receivables.

Mopani’s total liabilities exceeded its total assets by $2.562 billion in 2019, the company reported in a financial statement, indicating “a material uncertainty in relation to the going concern assumption”.

Mopani produced 51,275 tonnes of finished copper in 2019 including purchased materials – accounting for 13.9% of Glencore’s African copper output and 3.7% of its overall copper output.

Glencore, which reported a first-half loss due to the impact of the pandemic, will not reap the benefits of billions spent on expansion projects over the last three years if it sells to ZCCM-IH but investors see this as a way for the miner to cut its losses.

“Mopani has been a big headache for Glencore, the mine has never delivered anything for shareholders,” a Glencore shareholder, who asked not to be identified, said, citing numerous accidents and operational issues.


Glencore Puts Entire Stake in Mopani

Glencore Puts Entire Stake in Mopani on the Table

Glencore will likely sell its entire 73.1% stake in Zambia’s Mopani Copper Mines to the government’s mining investment arm ZCCM-IH rather than becoming a minority stakeholder, two sources with direct knowledge said.

Zambia and Swiss-based Glencore are at “cross purposes” over Mopani, Zambian Mines Minister Richard Musukwa had said on Tuesday when he announced ZCCM-IH aims to increase its shareholding in Mopani to 51% “or even more”, from 10% currently.

Glencore’s plans to put Mopani on care and maintenance prompted the Zambian government to threaten in April to revoke the firm’s mining licences.

Two sources with direct knowledge of the negotiations said Glencore is looking to exit the asset entirely.

“As of now, we are discussing a potential sale of their stake in Mopani,” said one of the sources.

A Glencore spokesman declined to comment. First Quantum, which owns 16.9% of Mopani, did not respond to a request for comment.

The move by ZCCM-IH to take control of Mopani is part of its strategy shift away from minority stakes and towards running mines as an operator.

Glencore wrote off the value of Mopani by $1.144 billion in its half-year earnings report earlier this month, saying the estimated recoverable value was $704 million, including tax receivables.

Mopani’s total liabilities exceeded its total assets by $2.562 billion in 2019, the company reported in a financial statement, indicating “a material uncertainty in relation to the going concern assumption”.

Mopani produced 51,275 tonnes of finished copper in 2019 including purchased materials – accounting for 13.9% of Glencore’s African copper output and 3.7% of its overall copper output.

Glencore, which reported a first-half loss due to the impact of the pandemic, will not reap the benefits of billions spent on expansion projects over the last three years if it sells to ZCCM-IH but investors see this as a way for the miner to cut its losses.

“Mopani has been a big headache for Glencore, the mine has never delivered anything for shareholders,” a Glencore shareholder, who asked not to be identified, said, citing numerous accidents and operational issues.

Cash Constraints

A major hurdle to clinching the deal is Zambia’s lack of funds to pay for the stake and fund the mine’s running costs, sources say.

Glencore’s stake in Mopani is worth $514.6 million, according to its own valuation. Mopani’s 2019 financial statement shows operating expenses of $931 million.

Zambia’s total foreign exchange reserves stood at $1.43 billion at the end of June, equivalent to just 2.3 months of import cover, according to the central bank.

ZCCM-IH’s cash and term deposits together amounted to 828.9 million Zambian kwacha ($43 million) by March 31 2019, according to the latest financial statements on its website.

A ZCCM-IH spokeswoman did not reply to Reuters’ questions about how it would finance the stake purchase.

“The state’s cash constraints point to an amicable solution,” said Eric Humphery-Smith, Africa analyst at global risk advisory firm Verisk Maplecroft.

“The government may have threatened expropriation in the past, but the need for copper revenues likely precludes that option.”

ZCCM-IH Seeks Increased Stake In Mopani Mine, Reveals Minister

Mines and Minerals Development Minister Richard Musukwa has disclosed that ZCCM-IH has expressed interest to increase its shareholding in Mopani Copper Mine.

Speaking at a media briefing in Kitwe, Mr Musukwa said ZCCM-IH seeks to increase its shareholding stake from 10% to a controlling position.

He said a team of experts has been constituted to liase with ZCCM-IH and then engage Glencore on the interest expressed by the minority shareholders.

The interest follows Mopani Copper Mine’s earlier application to place the mine on care and maintenance in view of the COVID-19 outbreak.

He said the negotiations to increase its shareholding in the mining firm will not disturb ongoing operations.

Mr Musukwa said a controlling stake in Mopani Copper Mine will allow a new approach to mining and guarantee safety of jobs for Zambians.

He said mine unions are being engaged to ensure the safety of jobs, further assuring stakeholders that operations at the mining will continue normally.
