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CEC Investors in “Liquid” Windfall with ZCCM IH a Big Winner

Copperbelt Energy Corporation Plc, Energy, ZCCM-Investment Holdings Plc
Posted on February 6, 2019 at 6:59 pm.
Written by Founder Fi

Following Copperbelt Energy (CEC Plc) disposing off its 50% shareholding in CEC Liquid Telecommunication Limited (CEC Liquid Telecom) to pan-African telecoms group, Liquid Telecommunication Holdings Limited (Liquid Telecom) in October 2018, investors in the company waited with baited breath for the CFO through his subcommittee on the board to conclude deliberations for the submission of the recommended special dividend from the proceeds of the sale.

The announcement that came on 1st February 2019 of a special dividend marked a four month wait for investors. The Board of CEC approved the payment of an interim dividend of US Cents 1.9 per ordinary share which translates to ZMW 0.2267 per share according to the SENS announcement that was issued.

Investors such as ZCCM IH which has shown intent on increasing its energy investment by increasing its shareholder by 4% in November 2018, will be pleased with this development as they bought the shares at an appropriate time that will see the investment group benefit from the announcement windfall.

IDC owned ZCCM-IH now owns 24 per cent shares acquired in the November 2018 transaction. At 1.6 Billion shares in issue, ZCCM IH now owns a staggering 390 thousand shares. This translates to their payment on 4th March 2019 (the effective date of payment for the dividend) US$ 7.41 million or K 88.4 million at an exchange rate of 11.93 kwacha to a dollar.

A recap of the rationale of the investment indicates that CEC entered into a Joint Venture with Liquid Telecom as equal partners in 2011. However, 8 years later, the Owen Silavwe led management team backed by the management’s belief system of entering into a telecommunications union with Liquid Telcom led them on a path that saw the entities assets attaining the desired commercial status that was in their strategy.

Although the company does not provide clear indications as to why divesture happened last year in their statement on the disposal, Liquid Telcom’s generous acquisition now sees investors having a handsome windfall in the early months of 2019.


CEC donates books to Kalabo Schools

As part of its corporate social responsibility Copperbelt Energy Corporation (CEC) recently handed over text books to the Mwangala Mwenda Foundation prior to the start of the 2019 year.

According to the company, the books are just some of the essential supplies the Foundation requires for the school year to support 34 primary and community schools located in Kalabo District of Zambia’s Western Province.

The grant from CEC has enabled the Foundation to purchase 510 text books, valued at K20,000, for grades 7 and 9. The books will be distributed across 10 schools when the school year starts in February.

The Foundation is a non-governmental organisation formed in 2016 with a vision to empower women and young girls in Kalabo District by providing project funding and education support.

CEC integrates responsible corporate citizenship into its operations and growth strategy to create sustainable value for all its stakeholders.

Education stands as one of the core pillars of CEC’s social investment, hence, the support rendered to the Mwangala Mwenda Foundation.

Source: Miningnews Zambia

CEC divests from Telecoms business

The Copperbelt Energy Corporation (CEC) has sold off its 50 percent shares in CEC Liquid Telecommunication Limited (CEC Liquid Telecom) to pan-African telecoms group, Liquid Telecommunication Holdings Limited (Liquid Telecom).

The disposal of shares by Copperbelt Energy Cooperation brings to an end the long standing relations that span from 2011 as equal partners in the joint-venture subsidiary.

CEC Managing director Owen Silavwe said the move is to divert from the telecoms space due to recent developments in the sector, which he said had necessitated a review strategy.

“With this acquisition, Liquid Telecom now has full ownership of CEC Liquid Telecom and its retail arm, Hai Zambia, however we would continue to be involved with the company as an infrastructure provider,” Silavwe said.

He said at the time of forming the venture, CEC’s investment rationale in CEC Liquid Telecom was to facilitate for the full commercialization of CEC’s telecoms assets, ensuring adequate ring-fencing of the telecoms operations from the power business.

Silavwe said the CEC Liquid Telecom joint-venture, formed by the two partners in 2011, had grown to become a market leader and had invested in the rollout of a fibre optic network across Zambia that, today, delivers some of the country’s and Africa’s fastest broadband speeds.

“While this transaction provides an equity exit for CEC, we will continue to be involved with the company as an infrastructure provider. We are glad to have been a part of CEC Liquid Telecom’s innovative service offering under our part ownership and remain excited about its future,” Silavwe added.

Source: Zambia Reports

Zambian power firm CEC divests from telecoms business

Copperbelt Energy Corp (CEC) has sold its 50% stake in CEC Liquid Telecom to Pan-African telecoms group Liquid Telecommunication Holdings, the power firm said on Tuesday.

CEC, Zambia’s main supplier of power for its mines, and Liquid Telecom were equal partners in the joint telecoms firm since 2011, which is a market leader and has been rolling out a fibre optic network across Zambia.

The power firm did not disclose the amount it sold its stake for or why it had decided to dispose of its investment.

However, CEC said it would continue to be involved with the telecoms firm as an infrastructure provider.

Source: Mining Weekly

CEC Market Announcement: Supply of up to 78MW of electricity to Metalkol SA

Copperbelt Energy Corporation Plc
[Incorporated in the Republic of Zambia]
Company registration number: 39070
Share Code: CEC
ISIN: ZM0000000136
[“CEC” or “the Company”]


Copperbelt Energy Corporation Plc (“CEC” or “the Company”) is pleased to inform its Shareholders and the general public that the Company has signed a long-term contract to supply up to 78MW of electricity to Metalkol SA (“Metalkol”), a major cobalt and copper tailings reprocessing operation in the Democratic Republic of Congo (“DRC”). Metalkol, which is owned by Eurasian Resources Group (“ERG”), a leading diversified natural resources group, is also a low-cost hydro-metallurgical facility.

The contract, agreed with Metalkol and DRC’s national electricity company Societe National d’Electricite (“SNEL”), secures electricity supply to Meltakol for up to ten years in two phases.

The first phase, to deliver a total of 62MW, will run until the second quarter of 2019; following which power supply will ramp up to 78MW per year during the second phase and for the remainder of the contract.

The Company’s Managing Director, Owen Silavwe, has described the agreement as a demonstration of CEC’s commitment, agility and promise to meet the specific and unique requirements of customers in Zambia and the DRC market, and a reaffirmation of the Company’s growing partnership with SNEL and the mining community in the DRC.

Benedikt Sobotka, CEO of Eurasian Resources Group, commented that “This is an important milestone in the progress of the Metalkol project, a unique development for the global battery industry. It is an example of sustainable and environmentally conscious treatment of the local environment, and of our wider strategic ambitions in Africa. Together with our partners, who are vital companies in their respective countries, we have found an effective solution to guarantee a reliable electricity supply, which has previously been an issue in the region.”

SNEL’S Director General, Jean-Bosco Kayombo Kayan, said the trilaterak agreement signed with CEC and Metalkol demonstrates SNEL’s willingness to serve its customers by offering expertise in the Southern African energy market.

Issued in Lusaka, Zambia on Thursday, 2nd August 2018

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Stockbrokers Zambia Limited (SBZ) is a member of the Lusaka Securities Exchange and is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Zambia

First Issued on Friday, 27th July 2018

Copperbelt Energy Corporation records 10% increase in revenue EBITDA over the previous year due to strong performance. ZCCM-IH holds 20% stake in CEC

The Directors of Copperbelt Energy Corporation PLC (“CEC”) are pleased to announce the release of the annual report for the year ended 31 December 2017. Below is an extract from the Chairman’s Statement.

Chairman’s Statement

Our role, as a business, extends far beyond providing electricity that keeps the wheels of mining, and the Zambian economy, turning. We enable economic growth, contribute to job creation and skills development. We invest in the social transformation of individuals, people groups and the larger society through different forms of social investments; including but not limited to infrastructure development, training, education and local human capital development. We see that our traditional role as electricity provider of choice to the mining industry will continue even as certain aspects evolve in line with relevant changes in both the mining and energy industries, technological and other external factors. Our Managing Director, in his performance review, delves into the detail of the key market developments of 2017 on our radar…

Strategy and execution

The board oversees the process to set, review and plan strategy which is reconfirmed at the start of each year. In 2017, the strategy was reviewed for the five-year period 2017 to 2021. Management presented a seven-pillar strategy that seeks to modernise and efficiently manage the CEC network; consolidate our regional market position; realise multiple power sources; enhance stakeholder engagement; support the realisation of a robust tariff setting and migration path; provide management services and invest in viable generation and transmission projects aligned to our core business…


Our Company aims to embed sound corporate values into every day decisions, processes and operations in order to ultimately build a culture of transparent, accountable and sustainable business conduct. Working and acting with integrity at all times is integral to our continued business success…

Shareholder returns

The business exists to create value for our principal stakeholders and one way in which we return value to our shareholders on their investment is through a distribution of profits through dividend. Declaration of a dividend is a matter for our board. Our policy provides for payout of 50% of earnings subject to the availability of cash, reserves and having provided sufficiently for working capital and other obligations. A cash dividend of USD21 million was paid out to our ordinary shareholders, an increase of 28% over 2016 (USD16.4 million)…


Our focus is the execution of our strategy to achieve sustainable performance and create sustained value for all stakeholders. This will be enabled by our adherence to sound governance principles and actions, effectively mitigating our risks, engaging with all our stakeholders successfully, and developing and retaining the relevant skills in our business…

Appreciation and conclusion

I am grateful to my fellow directors currently serving on our board for their invaluable contributions and their active participation in setting the Company’s strategy in the past year. I also thank those who stepped down during the year and welcome the new directors.

I am grateful for the hard work, dedication and commitment of our Managing Director and his management team. I congratulate them for delivering on the CEC strategy and for presiding over the improvements in financial, operational and social performance recorded in the reporting period. My heartfelt gratitude also goes to all the staff for their efforts, without which we may not be posting this performance. I thank our customers for showing their continued confidence in us through their business.

Hanson Sindowe

Source: Copperbelt Energy Corporation

CEC Extract from 2018 Annual Report

During the financial year ending 31st December 2017, revenue of K 3,724 million (US$390 million) (2016:
K3,503 million (US$355 million) was recorded driven mostly by the increase to the end-user mining tariff. Adjusted Earnings Before Interest Tax Depreciation and Amortisation (EBITDA) was K964 million (US$101 million) [(2016: K923.54 million (US$90 million)].

As at 31 March 2018, the Company had cash and cash equivalents of K645 million (US$68 million) compared to total borrowings of K835 million (US$88 million) out of which K133 million (US$14 million) is payable in 2018. The Company’s net current assets as at that date was K664 million (US$70 million). Based on the financial forecast, it is expected that the working capital of the business over the next 12 months will be positive and that the Company will be profit-making during the same period.

The telecoms subsidiaries (CEC Liquid Telecom and Hai Telecoms) has been expanding its market share in the wholesale and retail segments and have been profitable two years consecutively; exhibiting potential for further growth prospects. The CEC board further recognises that the Company is primarily a power business and that there is need to continuously review its strategy around its continued investment in the telecoms operations going forward.

On 23 January 2018, the Company received a firm intention by Zambian Transmission LLP to buy all the shares in the capital of CEC. The board considered the offer and appointed an Independent Committee of the Board to consider the offer. The offer was sent, through an offer document to all shareholders, with an offer period commencing 20 February 2018.

Total Dividend paid for 2017 was K209 million (US$21 million) [(2016: K161.8 (US$16.4 million)].

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CEC Extract from 2017 Annual Report

The Company continued to be listed on the LuSE and has 50% direct shareholding in CEC Liquid Telecommunications Limited, a joint venture company registered and domiciled in Zambia. CEC Liquid Telecom wholly owns Hai Telecommunications Limited.

During the financial year ending 31st December 2016, adjusted EBITDA was K888.12 million (US$90 million) compared to K520.35 million (US$80 million) the previous period posting an increase of 12.5% average. The increase in adjusted EBITDA is attributed to increased power trading income and the aggressive cost management initiatives, which impacted positively on the results.

Revenue at K3,503.14 million (US$355 million) was equivalent to the revenue in 2015 despite a drop of about 15% in domestic power supplies which had an equivalent reduction in domestic power sales from K2,743.3 million (US$278 million) to K2,180.83 (US$221 million.)

The increase in power trading supplies resulted in an overall increase of 86% in power trading revenue, which compensated for the drop in domestic power sales. Overall, domestic power sales remain the prime revenue source contributing 62% of the total revenue down from 78% the previous year, with power trading revenue increasing from 18% the previous year to 34% of total revenue.

The demand for electricity is expected to increase following plans to ramp up production on account of NFCA’s South East body project, MCM’s Synclinorium and KCM’s Konkola Deep Mining Project.

CEC Liquid Telecom continues to outperform past financial and operational results. Revenue at K207.23 (US$21 million) grew at 17% while gross margin and EBITDA increased by 10% and 33% respectively. The above financials are based on consolidated results of CEC Liquid Telecom incorporating Hai. The company, during the year, secured long term funding to support its expansion projects; mainly new backhaul bandwidth fibre connecting Zambia to Botswana and Namibia. This enables the creation of a robust network, reinforcing the strategy of operating the Zambian network as a regional hub. Further, the business commissioned its first investment in LTE spectrum, a wireless solution for provision of connectivity solutions as an alternative to fibre solution. Further investments are planned in this area to grow the business and realize the expected market disruption.

Effective 30th December 2016, CEC Africa was separated from the CEC Group and is now a sister company to CEC Plc rather than its wholly owned subsidiary. At an EGM held on 9th December 2016, the shareholders, on the proposal of the board, resolved to dividend out CEC Africa as a distribution to the shareholders of CEC. Hence, a dividend in specie of CEC Africa from CEC Plc to its shareholders was made. The effect of that transaction is that both CEC Plc and CEC Africa are now held by the same shareholders. The action was premised on the assumption that shareholders must be allowed to measure the performance of the two entities separate from each other as they face very different risks, and to enable the shareholders retain any upside that may occur in CEC Africa in the future.

The future business outlook for CEC Plc is positive, with growth expected to be derived from the increase in local power supply demand arising from the commissioning of new mine projects currently under construction.

The positive outlook in the copper price demand forecast has further ignited mining activities in Zambia and the DRC, creating an opportunity for increased demand. Lastly, growth is expected to come from the strategy around power trading and focus on the DRC mining supplies market in addition to the support for industry-wide cost reflective tariffs.

During the year, the Company paid out two dividends to its ordinary shareholders, the first being a cash dividend of K161.84 million (US$16.4 million) paid in the first quarter of 2016. The second dividend was a dividend in specie of CEC Africa of K9.68 (US$1). This dividend was paid on 30th December 2016.

The CEC Board on Tuesday, 7th February 2017 recommended an interim dividend of US Cents 1.29 per ordinary share, which translates to 12.80 Ngwee (K0.1280) per share, using the Bank of Zambia mid-rate applicable on the date of declaration. The dividend was paid to the shareholders registered in the share register of the Company at the close of business on Friday, 3rd March 2017.

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CEC Extract from 2016 Annual Report

The group’s revenue increased from K4, 339.9 million (US$667.2 million) for the year ended 31 March 2015 to K6, 392.5 million (US$647.1 million) for the year ended 31 March 2016. The increase in revenue was driven by the improvement in the average billing efficiency at Abuja Electricity Distribution Plc (AED). The group posted a net loss of K2, 236.3 million (US$226.4 million) (2015: K1, 283.1 million (US$197.3 million). The net losses were driven by provisions for bad debt totalling US$94.5 million and impairment charges on property, plant and equipment of US$86.1 million at AED.

Copperbelt Energy Corporation Plc’s (CEC) revenue decreased insignificantly to K2, 875.7 million (US$291.1 million) (2014: K1, 898.6 million (US$291.9 million). Total energy sales to the mines was 2.8% lower at 4,092GWh (2014: 4,208GWh) due to the national energy deficit and the falling prices of copper on the world market, which negatively impacted operations at
the mines.

The net profit for the year was K390.2 million (US$39.5 million) (2014: K218.5 million (US$33.6 million) due to increase in power trading at K236.1 million (US$23.9 million) (2014: K68.3 million (US$10.5 million) through the Southern African Power Pool (SAPP) Day Ahead Market. SAPP is the regional organisation of power utilities within the Southern African Development Community (SADC) formed in 1995 and whose aim is to create a competitive regional electricity market for all SADC Member States. Power trading revenue was recorded as part of other income and was not yet classified as a core business activity in the normal course of business.

The CEC share price on the LuSE moved from K 0.63 as at end of March 2015 to K 0.72 at end of March 2016, representing capital gains of 14.29% year-on-year.

For the period under review, CEC paid out a total of K184.5 million (US$16.4 million) (2015: K90 million (US$14 million) in dividend payments. ZCCM-IH’s share was K36.9 million (US$3.28 million) (2015:K18 million).

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