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Investrust Bank Plc | Appointment of Directors

In accordance with Section 3.59 of the Lusaka Securities Exchange Listing Rules, the Board of Investrust Bank Plc (“the Board”) wishes to announce the appointment of the following non-executive Directors to the board with effect from 25th March 2019:-

1. Mr. Situmbeko C. Mubano
2. Mr. Siakamwi Chikuba

Mr. Mubano holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics & Statistics from the University of Zambia (“UNZA”) and is an economist and investment management professional with over 18 years of experience. Mr. Chikuba holds a Bachelor of Law degree from UNZA and is a legal practitioner with over 10 years of experience as a lawyer.

The Board would like to congratulate Mr. Mubano and Mr. Chikuba on their appointment to the Board and wishes them the best in their new roles.

By Order of the Board
Brian Msidi
Company Secretary

Issued in Lusaka, Zambia on 01 April 2019

Lusaka Securities Exchange Sponsoring Broker
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Stockbrokers Zambia Limited (SBZ) is a member of the Lusaka Securities Exchange and is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Zambia

First Issued on 01 April 2019

Notice of change in the directorate of Investrust Bank Plc

In accordance with Section 3.59 of the Lusaka Securities Exchange Listing Rules, the Board of Investrust Bank Plc (“the Board”) wishes to announce the resignation of the following non-executive Directors from the board with effect from 11th March 2019:-

  1. Dr Moses N. Banda
  2. Mr. Cosmas K. Mwananshiku
  3. Mr. Maybin Muyawala

The Board would like to thank the Directors for their services to the Bank and wishes them the best in their future endeavours.

By Order of the Board

Brian Msidi
Company Secretary

Issued in Lusaka, Zambia on 25 March 2019

Lusaka Securities Exchange Sponsoring Broker
T | +260-211-232456
E |
W |
Stockbrokers Zambia Limited (SBZ) is a member of the Lusaka Securities Exchange and is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Zambia

First Issued on 25 March 2019

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Investrust: Change in Directorate

ZCCM IH ups its shares in Investrust Bank

State owned ZCCM IH has increased its shareholding in Investrust Bank Plc from 45.4% to 71.4%.

This follows the announcement of the mandatory offer by ZCCM-IH to the minority shareholders of Investrust issued on 21st March 2018.

The mandatory offer by ZCCM-IH which opened on 9th April 2018 and closed on Monday, 30th April 2018 recorded a total of 2,125,890 shares tendered for sale to ZCCM-IH.

This level of acceptance represented 26.0% of the total shareholding in the Bank.

According to a notice from the Lusaka Securities Exchange, the ZCCM-IH Board acknowledges the overwhelming success of the mandatory offer and looks forward to better prospects for Investrust.

Source: Lusaka Times

ZCCM-IH Mandatory Offer to Investrust Minority Shareholders Results

1. Background
1.1. Shareholders of ZCCM Investments Holdings PLC (“ZCCM-IH”) and Investrust Bank Plc (“Investrust” or “the Bank”) are referred to the announcement of the mandatory offer by ZCCM-IH to the minority shareholders of Investrust issued on the Stock Exchange News Services (“SENS”) on Wednesday, 21st March 2018.

1.2. The mandatory offer by ZCCM-IH to the minority shareholders of Investrust opened on Monday, 9th April 2018 and closed on Monday, 30th April 2018.

2. Results of the Mandatory Offer
2.1. At the close of the Offer, a total of 2,125,890 shares were tendered for sale to ZCCM-IH. This level of acceptance represents 26.0% of the total shareholding in the Bank.

2.2. Accordingly, the mandatory offer increased ZCCM-IH’s shareholding in Investrust from 45.4% to 71.4%.

3. Conclusion
3.1. The ZCCM-IH Board wishes to acknowledge the overwhelming success of the mandatory offer and looks forward to better prospects for Investrust.

By Order of the Board
Chabby Chabala – Company Secretary
ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc
By Order of the Board
Cuthbert K Tembo – Company Secretary
Investrust Bank Plc

Issued in Lusaka, Zambia on Thursday, 17th May 2018

Lusaka Securities Exchange Sponsoring Broker
T | +260-211-232456
E |
W |
Stockbrokers Zambia Limited (SBZ) is a member of the Lusaka Securities Exchange and is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Zambia

First Issued on Thursday, 17th May 2018

Investrust Plc Extract from 2018 Annual Report

nvestrust Bank Plc (“Investrust”) recorded a 19.9% decrease in net interest income to K48.91 million during the year ended 31st December 2017 (2016: K40.82 million). Total operating expenses increased marginally by 1% on a year-on-year basis to K149.65 million (2016: K148.23 million). During the year under review, the Bank recorded a loss of K38.00 million (2016: K47.40 million loss).

Subsequent to the year-end, ZCCM-IH increased its shareholding in Investrust from 45.4% to 71.4% through the mandatory offer that commenced on 9th April 2018 and closed on 30th April 2018.

The Bank’s share price on the LuSE closed the period under review at K13.50 (2016: K13.50).There were no dividends declared during the financial year under review (2016: Nil).

Investrust Plc Extract from 2017 Annual Report

Investrust Bank Plc (Investrust) recorded an 8.22% decrease in net interest income to K40.82 million during the year ended 31st December 2016 (2015: K37.72 million). Interest rates on loans and advances were adjusted upwards following the removal on the lending rate caps for commercial banks. Nonetheless, the growth in net interest income remained constrained due to the high cost of funds on term deposits which form a significant part of Investrust’s deposit base.

Total operating expenses reduced by 19% to K148 million (2015: K183 million). This was mainly attributed to a non-recurring expense in respect of redundancy and severance booked the previous financial period. Salaries and staff benefit costs declined by 4% to K65 million (2015: K67 million). During the year under review, the bank recorded a loss of K48 million (2015: K51 million).

During the financial period, Investrust embarked on a capital raising exercise through a Clawback Rights Offer to meet the minimum capital requirement set by Bank of Zambia. ZCCM-IH fully underwrote the offer. Subsequent to the completion of the Rights Offer, ZCCM-IH’s shareholding increased from 10.6% to 48.6%. In the latter part of the financial period, Investrust undertook another capital raise through the issuance of non-voting preference shares, which saw the bank’s primary capital increase beyond the minimum capital requirement.

The bank’s share price on the LuSE closed the period under review at K13.50 (2014: K13.50).

There were no dividends declared during the financial year ended 31st December 2015 (2014: Nil).

Investrust Plc Extract from 2016 Annual Report

Investrust Bank Plc (Investrust) recorded a 19% decrease in net interest income to K39.77 million during the year ended 31st December 2015 (2014: K49.30 million). This was driven by the increase in interest rates in fixed term deposits and inter-bank lending. During the year under review, the bank did not expand the physical branch network. Rather, the bank focused on consolidating operations in its branch networks.

In 2015, Investrust embarked on a capital raising exercise through a Claw back Rights Offer to meet the minimum capital requirement set by Bank of Zambia. ZCCM-IH fully underwrote the offer and the results, subsequent to year end, indicated that ZCCM-IH ended up with 48% of the shareholding in the bank

ZCCM-IH made an application for waiver of a mandatory offer to the SEC and the SEC approved the application on condition that ZCCM-IH sold down its shareholding to below 35% which is the trigger for a mandatory offer. ZCCM-IH has since sold 3.2% of its shares in the bank and is currently at 45.4% shareholding.

The bank’s share price on the LuSE closed the period under review at K13.50 (2014: K13.50).

There were no dividends declared during the financial year ended 31st March 2016 (2015: Nil).